MS01.01.01 - Box 04 - Folder 03 - General Correspondence, 1988 January - July





David C. Driskell

April 4, 1988

Customer Service Budek Films & Slides 73 Pelham street Newport, RI 02840

Customer Service:

Please send one set of the slides "Caribbean and Afro-American Women Artist" produced by Dr. Lois Jones You will find enclosed a coupon worth $ 3.00 off the regular price of $ 51.00 for the unmounted set and a check in the amount of $ 48.00.

Thank You,


David C. Driskell Enclosure: 1 $ 3.00 Off Coupon 1 Check for $ 48.00

Last edit over 3 years ago by DreJoe


Plese Order this set

Last edit over 3 years ago by DreJoe


[Budek Films and Slides' Coupon Advertisement]

Budek films and slides presents Color Slide Sets on LATIN AMERICA & WOMEN ARTISTS plus... Special Coupon Savings

10% OFF Series MI 10% OFF An Introduction to Painting 162 slides selected by Alan French of the Rhode Island School of Design give a superb introduction to Art History. Essential for any slide collection! m6-4 I, Cave Painting to the m8-4 Middle Ages (37) m7-4: II, Middle Ages to Renaissance (39) m8-4: III, Renaissance to Baroque (40) m9-4: IV, The 18th to 20th Centuries (46)

Unmounted Reg. $104.00 With Coupon $93.60 Cardboard Reg. $160.00 With Coupon $144.00 Glass Reg. $200.00 With Coupon $180.00

$2 OFF Brand New Series - LaII $2 OFF Contemporary Latin American Artists 210 excellent color slides in an evergrowing series focus on some of the top contemporary Latin American Artists. No well-rounded collection should be without these.

la18-4: Botero: Magic & Reality 40 color slides/bilingual cassette $75.00 la19-4: Recent Latin American Drawings 110 color slides/bilingual cassette $125.00 la20-4: Fernando de Szyszlo (20 color slides) Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00 la21-4: Eduardo MacEntyre (20 color slides) Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00 la22-4: Maria Luisa Pacheco (20 color slides) Unmounted $23.00, Cardboard $35.00, Glass $42.00

10% OFF Series MII 10% OFF The Artists Was A Women [sic] 1550-1950 200 color slides from the film "The Artists Was A Woman" showing 400 years of art that has been neglected too long. An urgent addition to every collection! m19-4: I, 1550-mid 17th Century m20-4: II, 17th Century m21-4: III, 18th Century m22-4: IV, 19th Century m23-4: V, 1850-1950

Unmounted Reg. $130.00 With Coupon $117.00 Cardboard Reg. $200.00 With Coupon $180.00 Glass Reg. $250.00 With Coupon $225.00

15% OFF Series La1 15% OFF A History of Mexican Art 360 color slides in 9 super sets show the mysteries of Mayan Art, then continues with the Mixtec, Aztec, Colonial and Modern Art & Architecture la6-4: Mayan Art I, Chichen Itza la7-4: Mayan Art II la 8-4: Cuilcuilco, Tula and a selection of Indian Sculpture la9-4: Monte Alban & Mitla la10-4: Aztec & Pre-Aztec Art la11-4: Colonial Art, 16th Century la12-4: Colinial[sic] Colonial? Art, 17th18th C. la13-14 Modern Architecture in Mexico City la14-4: Modern Architecture, University City

Unmounted Reg. $234.00 With Coupon $199.00 Cardboard Reg. $360.00 With Coupon $306.00 Glass Reg. $450.00 With Coupon $382.50 15% OFF 15% OFF

$2 OFF $2 OFF Five Great Sets on Latin American Art & Architecture la1: San Juan Teotihucan (10) la2: Tula (10) la3: Uxmal (10) la4: Mitla and Monte Alban (10) la5: Modern Architecture in Universal City, Mexico (10)

Unmounted Reg. $45.00 With Coupon $43.00 Cardboard Reg. $62.50 With Coupon $60.50 Glass Reg. $87.50 With Coupon $85.50

Send Orders To: Budek films and slides 73 Pelham St. Newport, RI 02840 or call: (401) 846-6580 *Coupons Must Accompany Your Order*

Last edit over 3 years ago by shakurra


[Budek, Films and Slides, of Newport RI. Coupon savings sent to David Driskell at the University of Maryland]

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jakuchu


David C. Driskell April 4, 1988

Mrs. Jean R. Wild

Dear Mrs. Wild: Your kind letter of February 3 was a real delight to read. I am compelled to write because of your generous spirit and kind wishes. You are indeed a most kind person to share your thoughts with me

I would love to have one of my exhibitions come to Vancover but I have no contacts there. One of the Black artist about whom I wrote in the "Two Centuries" exhibition resided in Vancouver near the end of his life. His name is Grafton Taylor Brown.

Charles White was included in another exhibition of historical significance I curated a few years ago called "Hidden Heritage: Afro-American Art, 1800-1950". He was such a fine human being. I am now working on assembling an exhibition of works by comtemporary Afro-American and Afro-Brazilian artists. My most recent article for the Monitor is on the work of Elizabeth Catlett. I hope you will read it also.


David C. Driskell


Last edit over 3 years ago by DreJoe
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