MS01.01.01 - Box 04 - Folder 05 - General Correspondence, 1989





[image alt text: two painted or photographed white fluid shapes, one in front of the other.]

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Vescovo


Success The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you do.


Last edit almost 4 years ago by Vescovo
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8/25/89 Driskill, I read about your latest (?) achevements quite some weeks ago. Do know the pride I continue to have in your successes! (I'll never forget the pride I had in first meeting you that day in 1950, when you were salesman in that (months ?) (?) art store; and encouraging your intent to return to Harvard as a possible art major. How proud Mr. Parlee would continually be if you as you over and over grow to be his extension and successor in art history. In May '89, the Class of '49 (art) (?) returned for a 40 year reunion on unique exhibition (Doubtless you have heard) It sparked an idea I'm eager to share with you; also, seek your encouragement therewith. July 1, I suffered a heart

Last edit 3 months ago by e.rose.04


Dreskell, Belated Congratulations on your success * and best wishes always.

Most sincerely Samuel "Sam" Green

* The Bowdoin Honorary Doctor's degree

Last edit 3 months ago by e.rose.04
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attack; a 2nd, two weeks later. Am recouperating amazingly well, with a regular but careful schedule in place as of last week. (I retired from Morgan (?) in '86. Perhaps too much stress of inactivity was a contributing factor of my illness). Please be in touch when you will and can. My '49 classmates, et all, and I should like "Coucausing" (?) with you, say, by late fall, your schedule permitting (?). I'll get in touch before then. OK? What news lately from Harold Lany? Gave (?) him a letter from early spring At that time I delighted in his good fortune. He mentions always the delight in visiting you & family in Maine.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Vescovo
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