



Status: Complete

Black + White Photographs of Artists [crossed-out: + Curator]
Sam Gilliam - photo credit Charles Phillips
Martha Jackson-Jarvis " " " "
Keith A. Morrison " " " "
William T. Williams " " Dawoud Bey
Black + White Photographers [crossed-out: photos] (Figures)

Figure 1 1. Anacostia Neighborhood Museum ([crossed-out: Current] (old]) *
2 2. " " " (Plan) *
3 3. Professor James A Porter (photo credit - Robert Scurlock
4 4. David C. Driskell ( " " Pablo Jusem)
5 5. Aaron Douglas and Keith Morrison (photo
credit: David C. Driskell
6 6. "A Warmth, A Lightness, A Glow and Then" [arrow to move the next line to the beginning of this line]
Sam Gilliam, 1969, Acrylic 9' x 25'
Courtesy the artist
7 7. Helix Composition", [arrow to move Same Gilliam's name before Helix Composition] Sam Gilliam _______ 60" x 180
Courtesy the artist
8 8. Martha Jackson-Jarvis, [crossed-out: 1986], "Legacy of
A Matriach/ Notes on Death and Dying",
1986, (Room Size 15' x 20'w) Installation
at Everson Museum, Syracuse, N.Y.
photo credit: Courtney Frisse

1 Elbert Jackson L.A.M.F. [plates written above] Part II,
1969, Synthetic Polymer paint and metallic
paint on canvas, 9' 1 7/8" x 9' 1 1/4"
Collection: Museum of
Modern Art, New York, Gift of Carter
Burden, Mr. + Mrs. John R.
Jakobson and Purchase
[margin right: photo Courtesy Mus of Mod Art]
* courtesy Anacostia Museum [circled with line leading up to the line between Figures 7 and 8]
2. Sophie Jakcson L.A.M.F, [crossed-out: ?]

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This is my first time transcribing for you and I would like someone to review what I have done so I am sure I am doing it correctly. Thank you.