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3 revisions
MaryV at Jun 18, 2022 03:13 PM


February 12 1994 Dear Claude, Thank you for sending along the pictures from the NCA Conference in New York. They came out fine. It was good seeing you and Son Claude at our opening at Bomani Gallery in November. I have since been in touch with them working towards doing a show of our "Living Legends" such as yourself, hopefully to open there in May of this year. Perhaps they have been in touch with you about it by now. Hope you will be willing to participate,

February 12 1994

Dear Claude,

Thank you for sending along the
pictures from the NCA Conference
in New York. They came out fine.
It was good seeing you and
Son Claude at our opening at
Bomani Gallery in November. I
have since been in touch with
them working towards doing
a show of our "Living
Legends" such as yourself,
hopefully to open there in
May of this year. Perhaps
they have been in touch with
you about it by now. Hope
you will be willing to participate,


February 12 1994 Dear Claude, Thank you for sending along the pictures from the NCA Conference in New York. They came out fine. It was good seeing you and Son Claude at our opening at Bomani Gallery in November. I have since been in touch with them working towards doing a show of our "Living Legends" such as yourself, hopefully to open there in May of this year. Perhaps they have been in touch with you about it by now. Hope you will be willing to participate,

February 12 1994

Dear Claude,

Thank you for sending along the
pictures from the NCA Conference
in New York. They came out fine.
It was good seeing you and
Son Claude at our opening at
Bomani Gallery in November. I
have since been in touch with
them working towards doing
a show of our "Living
Legends" such as yourself,
hopefully to open there in
May of this year. Perhaps
they have been in touch with
you about it by now. Hope
you will be willing to participate,