MS01.05.00 - Box 21 - Folder 15 - Jones, Steven - Correspondence, 1981-1989






-the "bohio" thing stuck in my mind & I checked when I got back. We're both right. I have 4 sources here at the apt, 3 in Spanish. I'll zerox & have them translated for you when you get here in Feb. They cover Haiti & Cuba.

[arrow] Can you send me a copy of your "Black Image in 19th century American Painting" paper right away? (You secretary was typing it when I was there in November)

[arrow] Also I need 10 copies of the Forever Free Catalog (Dizzy me - I forgot to get them when I was at school). [arrow] Also can you answer questions on enclosed postcard about it's availability. My customer here, Giovanni's Room bookstore, is threatening to "go to the source" & try to cut me out as middleman. (any inquiries about this Catalog from them should be refered to me). All questions on postcard are about the Forever Free Catalog only. I sell them for $6. but I was thinking of wholesaling them @ $4.50 for quantities of 10 or more.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Vescovo
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Other misc dirt: 1) Byron Rushing ran for Mass. State House rep (talk about "using" a museum!) Don't know whether he won or lost but appears his museum future is questionable. 2) Regina Perry "lectured" recently at Gibbs Art Gallery in Charleston, on Sam Doyle & most memorable thing my contact remembers is her circling the block looking for a parking space! 3) Afro American Museum here to have a 6 month "self study" session to begin in March '83 (Amina Dicherson to direct it) & decide what the Museum will be like in 500 years! - sort of like a 2 year old talking about what it'll do when it retires. But Okie Dokie claims that after the Feb '83 Cosby benefit she's going to make a major purchase of books/catalogs from me - We shall see... I may yet get to that Black book fair in London in March after all!

Finally, am enclosing a few sheets of zeroxing I forgot to do for you. They're from the NPG/NMAA (?) library. The "1938?" date is mine. By the way, what's the date (year) on the Harmon (?) folio by Waring & Reyneau you gave me? Steven

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV
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David -

Enclosed is info on LaSalle College art collection as promised. Also note illustration of John Hanis drawing in catalog (p. 109).

"Mary" by Tanner was, according to my research, included in the annual exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in both 1901 and 1903. I presume it's the same one.

More next week,


Last edit 8 months ago by Asterl28
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David -

Please give me a call COLLECT [redacted] as soon as possible. I have to purchase my airline ticket for Seattle opening (?) next week or so & need to confirm the dates/time of opening.


Last edit over 3 years ago by Vescovo



Ophelia -

Thanks for info on David's Balt. Museum talk & letter on Joshua Johnston. You are just too efficient! I'm scared of you!!! Just a reminder to have David get the original full script for his Hidden Heritage. Also, as I understand it, he is gathering together all his writings. At some point I'd like to get a complete file of those. See ya the 30th.


Last edit over 3 years ago by Vescovo
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