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pale and sallow, and there is puffiness under the eyes, bilious or
sick headache, bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated white or
covered with a brown fur, hacking cough, fever, restlessness, some-
times an unnatural greasy appearance of the skin, at others it is dry
and harsh, has scaly or branny eruptions, pimples, dark blotches,
and troublesome itching. The urine is frequently scanty and high-
colored, but variable as to quantity and appearance; it often pro-
duces a scalding sensation when voided, and is allowed to stand,
deposits a sediment which sometimes contains albumen. There is
depression of spirits and a decided tendency to be discouraged and
despondent. The functional powers of the stomach are impaired,
there is loss of appetitie, or it becomes capricious, uneasiness is felt
in the region of the stomach, oppression, sometimes nausea and
waterbrash, or there is indigestion, flatulency, and acid eructations;
the bowels become irregular, usually constipated, and occasionally
subject to obstinate diarrhoea attended with colicky pains, thin
stools are light clay-colored, sometimes hard and dark, again tin
and very offensive. During the day the circulation is sluggish, the
feet and hands are cold, but at night the pulse is accelerated, and
the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have a burning
sensation. The foregoing symptoms are not all present in one case,
nor are any two cases alike in every respect. They vary according
to the organs most imlicated in the derangement.

Thus, when chronic inflammation of the liver is

Associated with heart disease, the patient may have palpitation,
excessive or defective action of the heart, attended with more or
less pain and shortness of breath.

If the lungs be specially influenced, then, in addition to the ordi-
nary liver symptoms, there may be a dry cough, asthma, hurried
respiration, bronchitis, hoarseness, pain in the chest, etc.

If the stomach be the sympathizing organ, the tongue will be
coated white or brown, there will be nausea, loss of appetite, flatu-
lency, acidity, dyspepsia, fullness and oppression, amounting some-
times to pain in the stomach after taking food, which ferments and
gives rise to eructations and various other disordered manifesta-

If the bowels be morbidly influenced by this affection, there is
constipation or diarrhoea, griping pain, distention of the abdomen,
piles, and pain just within the points of the hips, thus indicating
irritation of the colon.

If the brain or nervous system sensitivity responds it gives rise to
sick-headache, dizziness, disturbed sleep, nightmare, depression of
spirits, peevishness, capriciousness, lack of ambition, irritability,
and congestive symptoms.

Malarial poisons, when not removed from the system by reason of
sluggishness of the liver, cause ague, chills and fever, and kindred

TREATMENT. -- We appeal to the reader's reason, if it is not fair
to suppose that the whole list of maladies that can be logically and
demonstratively traced to their primary and real causes should not
be cured by the application of remedies known to remove such
causes. Briefly to recapitulate, it has been shown how biliary
poisons, which in health are removed from the blood and system
through the functions of the liver, by their pernicious operation on
the living tissues produce a great variety of distressing symptoms,
innumerable skin diseases, ulcers, scrotulous sores and swellings,
and lingering and grave lung diseases, consumption, asthma, or
phthisic, heart and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, costiveness, ague,
chills and fever, and many other serious affections. All these sev-
eral divisions of maladies are many times treated as if entirely
unlike in their nature and demanding different classes or remedies,
according to the peculiar theory of the "school" or individual
practitioner. The writer, nevertheless, confidently asserts, as the
results of his observations, that all the diseases named in this
article can be mose successfully treated, by uniform means ad-
dressed to the liver, and he bases this opinion upon the long experience
as consulting physician to the largest sanitarium in the world, and

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