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stakes his reputation as a physician upon the assertion that these
diseases can and are cured by a potent alterative or blood-purifier
and liver invigorator. The active remedial properties of the most
efficient agents now known of the above classes of medicine are
scientifically combined in Golden Medical Discovery, which acts
especially upon the liver, and through that organ upon the blood,
influencing the system generally.

GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY does not debilitate the liver by
overstimulation, nor irritate the stomach and bowels by disturbing
the delicate processes of digestion, neither does it act with severity
upon the blood; but it operates so gently, insensibly, and yet with
so much certainty, that it excites the surprise and admiration of
all who use it.

Its favorable action upon all the emunctory organs and processes,
which co-operate in the removal of morbid materials from the sys-
tem, is marked. If, however, the bowels be unusually sluggish
(chronic constipation) it would be advisable, in conjunction with
the Discovery, to use

PLEASANT PURGATIVE PELLETS, which are powerfully al-
terative, besides being mild, gentle and unirritating, in their opera-
tion. They are the natural allies—remedial assistants—of the
Discovery, and the two work harmoniously together. They should
be taken in small doses, and their use perseveringly followed until
the bowels are properly regulated.

People who are habitually subject to "bilious" attacks, sick-
headache, and loss of appetite, are pleased to find that a course of
the Discovery and Pellets furnishes immunity from such onsets,
and precents their usual recurrence. Thus these remedies are pre-
ventive as well as curative. Discovery and Pellets can be pur-
chased in half-dozen or dozen lots at greatly reduced prices.
Diseases of the liver are very fully considered in the "Common
Sense Medical Adviser" (1,000 pages, 300 illustrations, bound in
cloth), price $1.50, post-paid.—Address, WORLD'S DISPENSARY

Liver Complaint Cured.—Park Hill, Ont.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M.
D.: Dear Sir—I was taken with a pain in my side and under my
shoulder-blade some eight years ago. When I would lie down at
night the pain would take me in my shoulder and collar-bone so
bad that my husband would have to raise me up. I was attended by
our family physician for five years. He called it "liver complaint."
I found no relief. In May, 1876, I commenced taking your Golden
Medical Discovery according to directions. The first effect it had
was I could sleep and I gained four pounds in weight each month.
Three bottles of Golden Medical Discovery, and an equal number
of Pellets, cured me up sound and well.

I never had better health in my life than I have now, and I would
advise every person with pain as I have described, or brown
blotches on the forehead, to take the Golden Medical Discovery
with Pellets. I remain your sincere friend,

Liver Complaint and Consumption.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.:
Dear Sir—Your Golden Medical Discovery has cured me of a
disease of the liver, accompanied with terrible bilious or sick head-
aches, after I had tried three doctors and spent over $100 in patent
medicines. Several other remarkable cures have been accomplished
by them: One Miss GAUGLIFF, of liver complaint, after she had
been bed-ridden for nearly a year; Mrs. RANDOLPH, of consump-
tion, when very sick. May God prolong your life and most useful
work, is the prayer of your friend.
MRS. M. A. HUNOLD, Edina, Mo.

Liver and Kidney Disease.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir—Some
three years ago, I was in a very low state of health, with disease of
the liver and kidneys. My physicians told me that medicines would
do me no good. While I was in bed my son brough me one of your
pamphlets. I read it and came to the conclusion that your Golden
Medical Discovery and Pellets were the very things I wanted. I
sent to the drug-store and got them and took them according to

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