



Status: Complete

$500 REWARD!
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is, beyond all com-
parison, the best preparation for catarrh ever
discovered. In fact, so efficacious is it that its
former propietor for years made a standing
offer, in all the newspapers of the land, of $500
Reward for a case of catarrh that it would not
Under the influence of its mild, soothing, and healing properties,
the disease soon yields. The Golden Medical Discovery should be
taken to correct the blood, which is always at fault, and to act
specifically upon the diseased glands and lining membrane of the
nose. The Catarrh Remedy should be applied warm with Dr.
Pierce's Nasal Douche - the only instrument by which fluids can be
perfectly applied to all the passages and chambers of the nose
from which discharges proceed.
SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. - Dull, heavy headache, obstruction
of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the
throat, sometimes profuse, watery and acrid, at others, thick, tena-
cious, mucous, purulent, bloody, and putrid; the eyes are weak,
watery and inflamed; there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hack-
ing or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive
matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice is changed
and has a nasal twang, the breath is offensive, smell and taste are im-
paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, mental depression, hack-
ing cough, and general debility. Only a few of the above-named
symptoms are, however, likely to be present in any one case. There
is no disease more common than catarrh, and none less understood
by physicians.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has stood the test of years, and has
justly earned the distinction of "Old Reliable," which many have
applied to it. Many pretended "Catarrh Cures" have been got
up in imitation of it, and very ingeniously advertised, but they
have all been short-lived. Some advance the theory that their
pretended remedy cures on the same principle that small pox is
prevented by vaccination. How absurdly ridiculous!
Catarrh. Deafness - Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir - For
five or six years I have had catarrh, with constant pain across the
forehead, ringing in the ears, and deafness. At times, I thought
that I would lose my hearing altogether. I had difficulty in rea-
soning and constant dizziness. I consulted many physicians and
took their medicines without benefit. I finally read one of your
pamphlets, and commenced using your Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Thank God, I am cured of that dreadful disease. Its beneficial
action was immediate, and a cure speedy. I am now cured and
have used but four bottles. I feel like a new man.
Ever your friend, JOHN HONAFIND, Lebanon, Pa.
Hon. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir - To be brief, I have the pleasure to
state to you that your Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and Golden
Medical Discovery have done all for me that you claim for them.
My catarrh and the skin disease, the former of eight years stand-
ing, have entirely left me and I am now healthy and strong.
I think and believe that there are miraculous properties in your
medicines. I have tried many kinds and have found them all
trash, and have never been benefited until I commenced the use of
your medicines. Yours truly,
J. T. MILLER, Camp Concord, W. T.
Catarrh. - R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir - I am happy to inform
you that the Catarrh Remedy effected a radical cure of the catarrh
from which I have suffered for years.
Your thankful friend,
L. E. CARMADY, Round Grove, Mo.
Catarrh Remedy, Douche, and Discovery, all sold by druggists.
Pamphlet on Catarrh sent by mail for one stamp. Address,

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