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2 revisions
alicia.amor at Aug 23, 2022 03:59 PM


was scarcely able to walk. Owing to thir effect I am now as well
and strong as ever. I thank you from the depths of my heart.
Yours truly, MRS. S. STAGNER
Liver Complaint.- St. Cloud House, Chicago, Ill.- Hon. R. V.
PIERCE, M.D.: Dear Doctor - I have been using your Golden Medi-
cal Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and general debility.
It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel. It is simply won-
derful the effect your medicines have had upon me.
Yours gratefully, J. C. DAVIDSON.
Cures Fever and Ague.- Pleasant Valley, Ho Daviess Co., Ill.- Dr.
PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir- My child, has been perma-
nently cured of fever and ague in a weeks time, and the use of but
half a bottle of your Golden Medical Discovery. My wife a long
sufferer from liver complaint and biliousness, by the use of the
Discovery and Pellets has been entirely relieved. The Discovery
has never disappointed us for coughs or colds.

Medical authors describe about fifty varieties of skin disease,
but as they all require for their cure very similar treatment, it is of
no practical use to know just what name to apply to a certain form
of skin disease so you know how to cure it. We might describe
various kinds of scrofulous sores, fever sores, white swellings, en-
larged glands, and ulcers, of varying appearance; might describe
how syphilitic poison may show itself in various forms of eruptions,
ulcers, sore throat, bony tumors, etc.; but as all these various-
appearing manifestations of bad blood are cured by a uniform
means, we deem such a course unnecessary. Thoroughly cleanse
the blood, which is the great fountain of life, and good digestion, a
fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of consti-
tution, will all return to us.
We have shown how the Liver is the great blood-cleansing organ
of the system. Set the great "housekeeper" of our health at work,
and the foul corruptions which accumulate in the blood, and rot
out, as it were, the machinery of life, are gradually exelled from
the system. We have already shown that for this purpose Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Purgative
Pellets are, par excellence, the articles needed. They cure every
kind of humor from the worst scrofula to the common pimple,
blotch, or eruption. Great eating ulcers kindly heal under their
mighty curative influence. Virulent syphilitic poison is robbed of
its terrors, and by their persevering and somewhat protracted use,
the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built up
Enlarged glands, tumors, and swellings, dwindle away and dis-
appear under the influence of these great resolvents. The system
being put under their influence for a few weeks, the skin becomes
smooth, clear, soft, and velvety.
The effects of all the medicines which operate upon the system
through the medium of the blood are necessarily somewhat slow, no
matter how good the remedy employed. While one to three bottles
of Discovery and Pellets will clear the skin of pimples, a dozen or
even two dozen bottles may be required to cure some cases where
the system is almost rotten with scrofulous or syphilitic poisons.
The cure of these diseases, however, from the common pimple to
the worst scrofula ad syphilis, is, with the use of these most potent
agents, only a matter of time.
We would here observe, to persons affected with scrofulous
tumors, ulceration of the bones, syphilitic disease, and other grave
maladies, where it is absolutely necessary to take Discovery and
Purgative Pellets for several months, that if it is not their in-
tention to persevere regularly with them until a cure is effected,
they better not commence their use at all; for, by discontinuing


was scarcely able to walk. Owing to thir effect I am now as well
and strong as ever. I thank you from the depths of my heart.
Yours truly, MRS. S. STAGNER
Liver Complaint.- St. Cloud House, Chicago, Ill.- Hon. R. V.
PIERCE, M.D.: Dear Doctor - I have been using your Golden Medi-
cal Discovery and Pellets for liver complaint and general debility.
It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel. It is simply won-
derful the effect your medicines have had upon me.
Yours gratefully, J. C. DAVIDSON.
Cures Fever and Ague.- Pleasant Valley, Ho Daviess Co., Ill.- Dr.
PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir- My child, has been perma-
nently cured of fever and ague in a weeks time, and the use of but
half a bottle of your Golden Medical Discovery. My wife a long
sufferer from liver complaint and biliousness, by the use of the
Discovery and Pellets has been entirely relieved. The Discovery
has never disappointed us for coughs or colds.

Medical authors describe about fifty varieties of skin disease,
but as they all require for their cure very similar treatment, it is of
no practical use to know just what name to apply to a certain form
of skin disease so you know how to cure it. We might describe
various kinds of scrofulous sores, fever sores, white swellings, en-
larged glands, and ulcers, of varying appearance; might describe
how syphilitic poison may show itself in various forms of eruptions,
ulcers, sore throat, bony tumors, etc.; but as all these various-
appearing manifestations of bad blood are cured by a uniform
means, we deem such a course unnecessary. Thoroughly cleanse
the blood, which is the great fountain of life, and good digestion, a
fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength, and soundness of consti-
tution, will all return to us.
We have shown how the Liver is the great blood-cleansing organ
of the system. Set the great "housekeeper" of our health at work,
and the foul corruptions which accumulate in the blood, and rot
out, as it were, the machinery of life, are gradually exelled from
the system. We have already shown that for this purpose Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Purgative
Pellets are, par excellence, the articles needed. They cure every
kind of humor from the worst scrofula to the common pimple,
blotch, or eruption. Great eating ulcers kindly heal under their
mighty curative influence. Virulent syphilitic poison is robbed of
its terrors, and by their persevering and somewhat protracted use,
the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built up
Enlarged glands, tumors, and swellings, dwindle away and dis-
appear under the influence of these great resolvents. The system
being put under their influence for a few weeks, the skin becomes
smooth, clear, soft, and velvety.
The effects of all the medicines which operate upon the system
through the medium of the blood are necessarily somewhat slow, no
matter how good the remedy employed. While one to three bottles
of Discovery and Pellets will clear the skin of pimples, a dozen or
even two dozen bottles may be required to cure some cases where
the system is almost rotten with scrofulous or syphilitic poisons.
The cure of these diseases, however, from the common pimple to
the worst scrofula ad syphilis, is, with the use of these most potent
agents, only a matter of time.
We would here observe, to persons affected with scrofulous
tumors, ulceration of the bones, syphilitic disease, and other grave
maladies, where it is absolutely necessary to take Discovery and
Purgative Pellets for several months, that if it is not their in-
tention to persevere regularly with them until a cure is effected,
they better not commence their use at all; for, by discontinuing