


Status: Needs Review

[29 July 1712]
No. Carolina
By the Hon.ble the Govr and Counisle
you are furthwith to measure or cause to be
admeasured and Layid out unto William [illegible]
Four Tracts of Land containening two [thousand?]
and sixty acres of Land being due unto
the Said William [illegible] for two shillings
pence paid to the Honble the Good for each
fifty acres pursuant to an Order of [Counstable?]
dated Novbr [illegible] [1709] [illegible]
Observeing the Lds Prosls Instructions to
Surveyor Generall for running out of Lands and
a plat and Certificat thereof you are to return
into the Sec.y office and for your so doeing
shall be your Warrant Given under our hand and
of the Colloney this 20th day of May - Anno Do
Edward [illegible]
N Chevin
Tho. Pollark
Tho. Boyd
Neil [illegible]

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The document is damaged along the right edge (probably torn), so words may be missing in the transcription.


Line 11: day & year are questionable; rest of line may have additional text, but this is also illegible.