



Status: Complete


not more than a hundred yards from a dwelling house, lay
a newly made grave, in which lay, quietly put away, the
object of our expedition-; Gardner left me-, crossed over
the wall, and proceeded to the task of disinterment. I
crouched beneath the shadow of the wall, opposite to him,
and unrolled the rope that was tied around the resurrection
bag, whilst I listened to the dull sound of the falling
earth, as he dug into the grave -- a cautious crash an-
nounced the opening of the coffin -- a low signal, carefully
given, and I threw the coiled rope over to him --; another
signal, and a few tugs at my end of the rope, brought a white,
enshrouded corpse peering over the wall -- I reached my
arms up to break its fall, it came down heavily in the snow
by my side -- a ghastly thing-; the head rolled back-, the
cap fell from its face, and there, with fallen jaw, and
glassy eye, it lay staring up in the pallid moonlight -- It
was a comely young German woman, dressed in an ample shroud,
that was elaborately gimped, and carefully made -- I stuffed
the head & shoulders in the bag, as well as I could; left it
lying there, for my companion to finish the work of tying up-;
and crept back to the place where we scaled the wall, to
bring the horse -- I found him, rendered impatient by the
cold, pawing & chafing incautiously for release, -- mounted,
& rode back-; the man was already awaiting me, with the
body doubled up, and securely tied in the bag -- I gave him
my seat-, handed the corpse up to him, and we parted to meet
at the college -- We arrived there at nearly the same
moment -- bundled the body into its new and strange quarters,

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