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Wed 12. / rain nothing done / It has thundered lightening & rain nearly all night & is still raining at 9 1/2 oclock another fresh No work can be done to day the country in a flood of watter. I went to Town late in the evening Thomas L. came home with me
Thurs 13th I went to Town Many Government horses was sold at the most extravigent prices too high, I could not buy. Thos L. came home with me. The ground is verry wet & but little a doing.
Fri 13 / planting garden / I stayed at home & worked in the garden All hands (boys) at work Canons firing rejoicing planted onion sets beans cantiloupes
Sat 15 / Rain / Col. McCoy command President Lincoln & Secretary Seward both killed in Washington / It rained thundered & lightened nearly all night ground is verry wet can do nothing on the farm We are doing but little of any thing I went to Town considerable excitement A Telegraph dispatch came to Col McCoy that A. Lincon the president was killed last night in Theator & died 7.20 oclock this morning. And that Seward Secretary was killed not dead like to get well at 10 last night by a Doctr that was admitted to his room and that Lincon was killed by a man named Wilks Booth did not here the Doctrs name that killed Seward
/ I took the Cholick bad off / Was verry bad off / I tak (in Town) a pain & cramp in my Brest and stomach that was verry severe I got some better & came home but was again attacked I was much swelled & cramped & was greately pained all night verry difficulty in breathing, got but verry little
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relief until near morning I took Magnaces & Ausifedity bitters I dont think any thing done much good until I got clear of the wind in my stomach & bowels which had collected in greate quantity
1865 April Sun 16th The morning is clear & beautiful I lay in bed until 9 oclock having been sick all night I got better in the evening Jas T. Moore & Jno M Francis came in the evening and sat awhile with us
Mon 17 I went to Town the Town was in crape & mourning No business done all the houses & stores shut up News came that Seward had a chance to live but lincoln is dead rumor that the soldrey are killing a greate many of the Citizens in & around Washington & Nashville revenging the death of Lincoln The boys are trying to work upon the farm planting Corn in the Glade lott field bed up the Cotton ground & Green working on the Wagon
Tu 18. / William / It rained last night not hard Cleared off in the morning verry warm George has painted the Wagon Green has finished the body all hands are trying to work but doing but little William went with me to Town to day the first time in over 2 years Verry many reports about the killing of Lincoln & greate ambition against the Rebels. Orders that not more than three Citizens collect together upon the streets under penalty of arrest. All passed off verry well
Wed 19 I stoped at home worked my Mule in the plow It rained last night nothing doing No particular, news Th 20 I went to Town Many of the Caloolon Citizens there Men Women came in the Cars to take the oath Thomas was not in Town It rained last night all hands at work planting & beding up & Fri 21st Clear & cool like it was going to be good weather I went O. Credick act paid off } to Town No particular news I got of [--?] Crandick 27 yds of Carpet Old The aid off her act with it her act $13.00 Sat 22 Carpet $ 20.00 paid her the balance. All hand quit work at 12 oclock & some of them went to Town & was pressed to work there Thomas came home with me last night went back this morning 1865 April Sun 23d} It cleared off yesterday & turned verry cold high wind all day & last night Cold enought to have a frost, Wind from the N.W. This morning wind from N.W. & verry cold no frost to hurt in consequence of the high winds. Work We are ready to comence planting Cotton We have finishhed Planting planting the long field & the field West of the Glade lott (in corn) 3 Yankies cat dinned with J.W.B Thomas to day. = Mon 24th Clear & cool Some little frost No particular news I went to Town Thomas L. came home with me, We are all hands commenceing to plant Cotton Jack Patton came back & set in to work & is braking Thomas Black poney for him
65 I went to Tom William went with [no?] in the [Buggs?] I found Maryann Fanna & [Janey?] all there with all the rest of the Webster women. William went on in [Maryann's] Carriage home with them to Big Bigby I am verry unwell with [epedemic?] or cold, bad off.
[Rookaway?] [Mare?] filly Colt last night It is turned [cone?] warmer I rested verry badly all night, slept but little, head also sore throat, cough & verry sore [breast?]. Not able to git about but verry little. We are still planting Cotton & Corn in the field next Town (I stayed at home) I am [some?] better (not much) this morning We finished planting our Cotton & the Corn in the field [next?] Town plowed over the Corn near [Caleb's] house. I am not so well this evening some fever [head ake?] & eyes very sore & inflamed (I stayed at home)
It rained a little during the night the boys went to plowing this morning in Fathers old field [Commenced?] raining at 9 1/2 clock & seems to be a wet day I am glad to see the rain the ground is verry dry this rain is much needed I am better some this morning My eyes are much inflamed & my head also not so bad I have stayed at home since Tuesday I went to Town in the evening Still it [Rains?]
This morning about the time all was starting to work it commenced raining tolerable hard. I went to Tom Maryann came, and William came with her. Create many people in Town News of the surrender of Johnson to [Grant?] upon the same [terms?] of Lees surrender. Booth the murder of Lincon was captured [&?] killed The Circut Court with Judge [Walker?] will hold forth tomorrow.
It is now pretty well understood the Southern Confederacy has gone up & peace of some sort either for [Weil?] or for Woe will take place shortly With many aking hearts for the loss of there friends & there all. We will sit down & morn in the Sack Cloathes & ashes for many days, Weeks, Months & years to come. Sorrel More frilly Colt last night
The morning is cold & cloudt The Hoopong Cough is [amonast?] oour little Negroes Some of them bad off William, Mag & me eat the last of all our apples We [kept?] them through difficulty until to day
The Circuit Court Set to day Judge [Wallcer?] presided William [B.] Wilson was swore in as Clerk. The County Court also set to day the Grand Jury was [emponaled] & sworn I went to Tom J. S. Harris Dr A. Brown & myself was W. B. Wilson security on his [Clerks] bonds.
[Saul?] left gone sever days ago (at [Bennets?]) I went to Twon a verry dull day No verry particular news