This is made at 30 days pr month with Spencer
George Senr. Got a voucher for $21.66 Cents it was for
work done on the fortification from the 21st Novr to the
30th Novr 1864 He shaved it off to James Beard for $17.22
he got the Money March the 1865 (See Memorandum in desk
file) Sedgwick Qr M. signed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got a voucher for George 18 March 1865 for $43.33 his work
on the fortification from the 1st of Novr 1864 to the 21st
Novr 1864 - Signed by William Qr M.
I give to George the last mentioned voucher of $43.33 March
22nd 1865, present B. W. Porter George shaved this last
voucher off at $25. per cent off March 23 1865 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will Henry came in on Monday morning & agreed to work at $12.
per month as expressed on first page March 20th 1865 he
commences to day
Cr May 6 $5.00 he worked March 9 days " half lode of wood) Apl 16 " the 12 May ) 1.50 May 22 " 20 May 2.00 47 8 June (Circus) 5.00 at $.40 pr day 40 13.50 18.40 Credits ------- 13.50 (June 8th 1865) $4.90 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone
Alfred agrees to work at $12. per month according to agreement
expressed upon the 1st page & commences on Tuesday the 21st
March 1865. Alfred run off a few days after did not work any -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jack Patton has set in to work at $ per month & has
worked this week to 12 oclock Saturday. Commenced Monday
morning 23rd October. ------------- Sat. to 28th Oct. 5 1/2 days. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandford Haney agrees to work at $15.00 per month and agrees
to the same conditions as expressed on the 1st page and has
commenced on Monday the 13th day of March 1865, is to have the
half of every Saturday ---- ---------- Credit Apl 2nd 1865 $5.00 ) Zil Smith is working the bull Cr May the 21 5.00 ) in his Wagon Says he got it Cr June 10th 1865 7.50 ) of Sandford Charged him with Bull 50.00 ) it, it is worth $50.00 --------------- --------- 67.50 Sandford left on Friday ) Credit $67.50 9 June Worked 70 days ) Work 35.00 at .50 pr day making ) he owes - $32.50 June 20, 1865 $35.00 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Louisa agrees to work as the rest & according to agreement on
1st page.
(Credit 3 dozen of thread $2.25 (May 2d 1865 Sept Credit a dress Calico --- $3.00 Decr 25 Cash --- 5.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ock agrees to work in the house & any where at $10.00 according
to the contract with others See 1st page -------------
Credit 1 pr of Shoes Apl 10 $3.00) Or to June Silk body $2. ) 7.00 " To Cash " 15 2.00) Muslin dress 5.00) May 2 To 5 yds Osenburgh 3.75) Cash Shoes 29 July -- 3.00 13 Cash 1.00) Neglecting her business) May 26 ) 1.00 Cr June 8 Cash (Circus) 2.00 " June 17 Cash for ) Bonnet) 4.50 1 1/2 yds osenburg 17 June 1.20 July 8 Jewelry &c ------------ 1.00 ----------- Sweet agrees to work according to the agreement upon the 1st
page at $10.00 per month ---------------------------------------------------
Mag Cr Shoes May 6 $1.00) Sweet got 8th June $2.00 Mag " Dress May 8 2.00) 21st June 5 1/2 yds) 4.80 Skirt May 8 1.50) osenburg .00 ) May 13 Cash 1.00) Cash July 1st 3.00 June 3 Cosset & Cosset cover 3.00) Dress July 18 2.25 Oct 21 one pr shoes 3.50 Dec 15 1.00 -------------- 1865 Plim agrees to work at $10.00 per month as is expressed upon
the 1st page Crd 5 May Credit osenburg pants $1.60 ) Cr 3 yds of osenburg Oct 1st 8 June Plim got 1.00 ) Do Cr Cash $1.00 Oct 14 17 June Cash .50 Cts) Cash 15 Decr $2.00 Do 16 Decr .50 Do 25 Decr 5.00 ---------------------- his act is $12.75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1865 West works the same as the rest on 1st page
4 May Cr 1 pr pants osenburg $1.60) Dec 25 Cash $5.00 13 " Cash 1.00) Cr 13 May 1866 ) 24 " Cash 1.00) paid by William) 10.00 18 July To 6 yds osenburg (80) 4.00) 23 " .50) 15 Decr Cash 2.00) --------------------
little Harret (Mary's) works the same as the rest 24th Apl Cr 1 White Jacknet Dress $12.00 } 13 May Cash 2.00 } by Mag 8 June Cash (Circus) 2.00 24 June Cash 3.00 Cr 24 July (another) Jacknet dress 8.00 Mag
1865 ) Andrew ( Andrew will work this last week pulling fodder at $.50 per day Augt 26 ) Augt 26 paid Andrew Shoore $3.00 & dismissed him
1865 Made agreement with Eleck to furnish the Wood Wagons with Wood May Mon not less than $1.50 per load, & to settle with me every Saturday May Eleck has settled to day with me & paid me $10.00 I give Sat 16. him back $1.00 & is to furnish him with his rations of meat next week
May Eleck settled with me for the last week Wood halling $13.00 Sun 21st (he seems to do verry well) Sat 27 Eleck came & made a settlement for the week ending to day May & paid me $17.00
Sun 3 Eleck paid $10.00 the wood he sold last week June Eleck handed me in Town $10.00 this week's work June Sat 10 Ellick handed me in Town $10.00 this week past
Sat 17 1865 Elick paid the Gin $12.25 this week Sat 24 June Eleck paid me $11.50 Sun 2d July Mon July 10 Eleck paid me on his wood for the last week ending Sat $7.00
Sun 23 Aleck paid me $10.00 for last week Sun 30 " " " $10.00 for last week Sept 16, Loaned Aleck $5.00 Oct 8 Do Do $2.00 " 14 Do Do $1.50 $8.50
I made a settlement with Aleck to day for all his past services he pickt out up to this time 1762 lbs. of Cotton at $.75 Cents pr 100 which amts to $13.21 I had previously pd - $8.50 I paid him Oct. 23, 1865 $4.71