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1867 Novr Th 7 } The morning is clear Wind verry high Seems to whirl & blow every way at times Mostly from the East South & West & cold
William did not git home } William did not git home last night I feel verry uneasy Some thing has gone wrong or he would have let me know some thing about it I have no been uneasy about my own safety but I fear that some one is sick & he has gone to see about it he got home at night.
Thos L. Porter See 1st Novr } Thomas L. Porter was here last Friday (1st. Novr) Stayed all night & left next morning he is to stay with Mary ann's children him & his family until other arrangements are made -
Wash 2 loads Caleb 2 loads } Wash halled 2 loads of Corn put in old Smoke house Caleb by Jack Patton halled 2 loads of Corn put in the Smoke house there are greate preperation for a Wedding (Mag Todd) to night.

Fr 8 The morning is verry blustery & cloudy Wind high from S. & S. W. Quite a verry merry time all night with the blacks last night here at there wedin they are all lying about a sleep & doing nothing They all behaved verry No disturbance
Wm William went to Town at 5 oclock he got a letter from W. J. Porter he don't think Jack's little boy's eyes are any better
Anderson sick } Anderson sick & Dr Akins with him

Sat 9 The morning is cloudy & calm There was a verry considerable storm last night from S. W. blew down the Corn verry much all over the country & the trees in my lotts a heavy rain with it.
Storm See Next page }

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