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The spotted sow has 7 pigs fine looks fine (in the Orchard)
I went to Arnell & fair Ground } Arnell had a large gathering of Negroes at his house wating his arivel from Washington I went to Mr Arnell's (rode ball N) but many Negroes there waiting to see him was not at home I went from there to the Fair ground where there was a considerable gathering of people & stayed there until evening & when I got home
William gone Mississippi Hamon } I found William there preparing to go by the 8 oclock train to Mississippi to W. D. Mays Hamon was going with him he expects to be gone some 6 or 8 days he left at sun set
Jack Patton Cotton $51.00 } Jack Patton sold his bail of Cotton for $51. William give me my part of it $25. before left.
Battle of Taladega } On the 9th. Novr 1814 was the battle of Taladega faught with the Crick Indians Considerable loss upon all side I was in the midst of it. It has been remembered by me every 8th. of Novr since that time I run some verry narrow escapes which added greately to my advantage through life
States politicks Democrocy } I hear N. York Ohio Penn. & other states are all gone for the Democrat party & gainst the Rads
$ I find I have in my pocket Book $100.00 at this time & some loose change in my vest pocket.

Sunday 10 The morning is cloudy looks like Rain John took the Bugga & went after Mag in Town She come home & is not verry well
Hogs Our hogs are fatening verry well they were not put up quite soon enough but eat verry harty Some of they are verry fine & others quite small

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