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1867 Novr Mon 11 Arnell } The morning is clear & cool I went to Town to see Mr Arnell he agreed to see $75. paid for my oxen I had to force the matter upon him & he could not get clear of me any other way only to make fair promises
dinner Liquor Law } I eat my dinner at Frankin's I found a good deal of excitiment about the Liquor Law Reaves & others
W. J. Webster } W. J. Webster went on in the Cars to Lebanon
Thomas L. Porter was in Town he had by the solesatations of friends agreed to Administer on the Estate of M. ann Webster
Caleb Corn 2 loads } Caleb halled 2 loads of Corn put one in the Crib the other to the hogs pen

Richd Corn 1 Load Town } Richard halled a load of Corn out of his field to Town & sold it 3 bls this is the 1st he has taken out his field.
Rus W. Porter } Rus W. Porter came in the evening & stayed all night he is hunting up Whiskey makers Seems to succeed in finding them out

Tus 12 The morning is clear & quite cold the Wind from N.
Corn Richd 1 Porter 2 } Richd halled me 2 loads of Corn put in the Crib & one for himself he took to Town
Caleb 1 load } Caleb one load of Corn by Jack to Crib

Wed 13 The morning is clear & cool & frost Wind in N. W.
Press Arnell } I sent Preston to see Arnell & Paul to git something done. Arnell give his note as Secerety for Paul but Pall has not signed it & it not binding on Arnell
Caleb 1 load Town } Caleb took a load of Corn to Town & sold it Wash is halling Corn to his house

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