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Sat 18 / 18 / Medicine Self / Election Convention / There is 2 Saturdays written down look back / Charley $6.00 Puss $1.00 Sugar Felix coat $3.50 )
The morning is a little cloudy & Wind N. W.
It snowed until late at night it is about 3 or 4 Inches
deep bad time on man & beast
William got a medicine German Bitter Watter, It cures the
Dispepsey Piles &c tak a wine glass every morning before
This is the day of Election for against a convention & to
vote for members of the convention I went to Town and voted
for members of the convention to change the constitution,
also I voted for "convention" I voted for Nicholson &
Thompson for members to the convention V. Tompson will be
elected no dout
I got Charley a verry good overcoat cost ($6.00) six dollars
& Felix a coast cost $3.50 Puss a $1.00 sugar Myself a 1/2
bushel Irish potatoes 40 cts
The Snow is melting some Verry cold wind I got home before
sun down

1869 December Sun 19 )
The morning is clear Wind S. W. but verry cold The snow
melted a little yesterday the cold Wind in the mng & verry
My General health some better the piles are no better The
medicine I am taking of a morng has not produced any alter-
ation yet. I am taking sulpher & Magnecia of a night it
seems to moove my bowels a little.

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