Mon 20 / Snow / Medicine / Pills / Meal / Rain / Tax )
The morning is cloudy calm S. W.
It looks like falling weather the Snow is melting
I rested a little better last night than usual. I was bad
off several nights back, but better, my nerves is more steady
& I did not have to go to the door through the night I have
been taking the medicine every morning and the floers of
Sulpher and Magnecia every night I have quit the Brant pills
since last Saturday. I took the last one Friday morning
Charley went to Mill took a full bag at Willbanks It com-
menced raining at 3 oclock & rained ballence of the day
William paid my Tax in Dist. No. 50. $80. for this year
Tu 21 / Rain Rain Rain )
The morning is dark cloudy and a raining rained all night
last night and nearly all day Could not get out to do any
thing Verry considerable rain Watters are up
1869 December Wed 22 )
The morning is dark & cloudy The Wind has been all night
high from the South & S.W. and turned warm & Rained This
morng W. & turned quit cool this morning.
Th 23 / Execution $47.00 )
The morning is mostly clear Wind N.
I sent by William & he paid of an Execution of Wm Kernel
Holden [?] for $47.00 L. F. Lane const. See recpt filed.
Fr 24 / Charley $5.00 )
The morning is clear & cold Wind N.
I give Charley five dollars towards pay for his work The
blacks was up & around nearly all night it was Chrismas eve &
they was quit merry Charley left to go to his Mothers at 12
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