Wed 19 / rich'd 1/2 half day / Meet / See Novr 20 hanging / App )
The morning is quite cold Ground frose Wind N. a little
cloudy. Jo P (Richard) 1/2 day is hanging our meet this morn-
ing. See 12th & 20 Nov'r been in salt the month
App is mooving his house to the Ginger Spring the house
that Jim lived in last year
Th 20 / Pittion )
The morning is some cloudy Wind N. W. The weather is
moderated The renters are all fixing up there houses &c
I see Vance Thompson Sent the pittion I sent him the 17 to
the Committee on Suffrages today (See 17)
Fri 21 / Alfred Montgumery / Corn ground )
The weather is moderated Clear some frost Wind N. W.
A man about 22 years old form appearance, blue eyes, slim
built Weight about 125 or 130 cam last night at dusk We
took him in said he had no money eat his breakfast said
his name was Alfred Montgumery We discovered this morning
that he was partially deranged. William got up some close
for him & he put them on and left. Said he was traveling
to the east.
Jo & me worked at the Corn house doors &c.
Sat 22 / Wm / Rich'd 1/2 day / Corn house Crib )
The morning is cloudy Wind South
William left early for Spring hill (Cars)
Richd & Jo has been repairing the weatherboarding made &
finished a doore put a lock & key to it so that no one can
git out corn Worked to dinner 1/2 Puss & Jo went to Town
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