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Sasaphrally &

George finished building App Patton's chimney near the Ginger
George P. ) Spring, having worked five days at $2.00 per day Making $10.00
$10.00 )

B=Feby ) Feby The morning is mostly clear Wind S. W.
Wed 2 )
Gate ) I was all day mending the Gate that leads out
mended )
into the front lott
Old WImmiam Gill was here & eat his dinner Signed my papers
paid Tom ) of Loyalty
Peeler (
$20.45 ) I paid off Tom Peeler (Col) the blacksmith Act. for last
Buggy )
house ( year $20.45 put my Bugg in the Bugga house made a stool to
Stool )
set on & put in Bugg house

Th 3 ) The morning is cloudy Verrycold N. but a clearing off at
Stool ) sun rise It has been quite cold all day ) Made a stool &
put in the bugga house for my own convenience

Fr 4 ) The morning is quite cold Wind N,

William ) William left home, the candidates all Meets at Haricon Switch
Haricon (
Switch ) today the 1st day of there Campain

I went out in my Buggs to Thomas's after dinner I had Matta
W. Janey & Dilla for dinner The children enjoyed my dinner
verry well

1879 )
February ( The morning is cold calm & a frost William did not git home
Saturday 5 )
Sat. 5 ) last night I stayed by my self I got up early shaved put

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