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on a clean shirt rested tolerable well
paid Jack (
Henry $4.16) Rales I paid them $4.16 1/2 cents a piece making $12.50
They are to help put them up they are not finished making them
Wm ) William was at the 5 Dist. Foxes today Got home near night
Foxes (
5 Dist ) I bot for Puss for Lorra & Clary 6 yards of Domestic -$1.00
Puss & Jo (
$5.64 ( 12 yards of Lincey at 22 Cents ------------$2.64
Salts ) Do Cash $2.00 (by Jo) ------------ $2.00
Lodnum ( Total five dols 64 -- $5.64
$1.50 ) I got bottle Laudnum 4 oz ------------$1.00

Saults 1 pound ------------ .50
Brier hook )
$2.00 ) I got a brier hook cost ------------$2.00
Town ) I went to Town after dinner Many negroes & people in Town
turn verry cold in the evening

Sun 6 ) The morning is a little cloudy calm & verry cold
Self ) I have by Some means taken a cold which effect me verry much
beet ) particularly of nights. I think humor on my neck & head is
not so bad probably the Medicin Bull's Sassaperelly &c is
Thos & ) doing it ) Fanna & Tom & Willa cam & stayed a few minutes be-
Fanna )
Self ) fore dinner William went home with them & stay all day
I have a bad cold pain in my right side

Mon 7 ) The morning is raining coming N. East The weather has
Rain ) moderated looks rain all day
I wrote a note to Mr. Glen in Columbia that I won't stand George
George P. ) P. security for $2.00 of Groceries
Rain ) It has been raining all day some times verry hard, & still

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