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raining a cold rain at 4 oclock
Cort ) The Country Cort is in Session greate many people in Town )
George H. balled his Cotton to Moores Gin & we put in with his
Georg H. ) Cotton Piss' Cotton 331 pounds of seed Cotton to be accounted
Puss Cotton (
Cotton ) for in a Settlement with George H.

1870 ) The morning verry cold Ground covered with Snow & snowing
Feby (
Tus 8 ) from the W. & N. W.
Wm ) William has left through the Snow to the meeting at Parks
4 Dist
4th. Dist
Self My health is verry weakly I had the cramp verry bad through
the night & a verrysevere pain in the right side do bad I
can't cough I have a bad cough & cold upon the whole I am
tolerable had off
Jo Matthews( I paid Jo Matthews Richds Act (Beef) $3.50 Also Jack Patton
Richd )
paid $3.50 ( Act for (beef) to Jo Matthews $3.50
Jack )
Cleared off at 12 oclock bitter cold

Wed 9 ) The morning is clear (frost) & cold Wind N. W.
Wm ) William did not come home last night he will be at Cullaokey
Cullaoka (
6 Dist ) today with the other candidates
Jo is making a brier hook handle broke the poplar one

Th 10 ) The morning is clear calm & moderate
Wm William did not git home last night he will be at Bigbyville
B igbyville)
Dist 7th & ( today. Thomas rode the sorrel Stud to Bigbyville today
8th. )
Brier hook ( I got a bryer Hook to cut the briers in my orchard It seems

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