-393 at home I feel Jaded some I was attending to the sowing & plowing in the Oats all day Henry ) plow ) I loned Henry the newly done up Barshear plow all newly layed & new beam runs remarkable well he is to return it at any time ---------------------------------------- 1870 ) The morning is some cloudy Wind cold from E. March ( Sat 19 ) William has not got home since he left last Sat We have not Wm heard of his whereabouts since. I am going to Town to see if I can hear of him I went to Town Spent about $15.00 mostly with Dr. Davidson got a venison ham of Goodman cost $1.30 loned Jack Patton Not to chg ) Rich $1.00 ( $1.00 Richd $1.00 mat $1.00 got 2 Gallons of Whiskey of paid ) Jack $1.00 ( Doct. Davidson cost $3.00 Other places I treated I think I Not charged) spent for liquot & drinks $15.00 or maby more I hear since Jo & Puss ) Wm ) I have come home that William is in Town I hear this at 9 oclock he got home at 11 oclock (Jo got $2.00 & $1.00 for Puss) ---------------------------------------- Sun 20 ) The morning is cloudy Wind East but clouds (N.) (E.) My General health is about as usual some times better & other times not so well Verry weak & frail. Wm is at home this morning His health is much better than it was last week - ---------------------------------------- Mon 21 ) The morning is mostly clear Wind from West & cool It commenced Rain yesterday near night & rained verry hard
- 394through the night This morning is verry Spring like a little too cool ( Wm ) Wm is at home his health is much better than it was last week ) ( Town ) I went to Town, a greate many people there from all parts of the County All the candidates was at work among the people ( everry way ) The election comes on next Saturday but a few ( days to work & they are doing there best. ----------------------------- Tues 22 ) The morning is clear little cool Wind (calm) N. Richd $2.00) William & Jesse Harris left to still hunt (Mt. Pleasant) Gallaoka &c (before he left I let him have $10.00) to be gone several days Rich & Jo bedded out 1/2 bushel of Yam potatoes got them of David Blackman at $2.00 for the half bush I paid David for these & Richd gits all feed Corn ) The corn given to each horse is 25 ears a day to each Mule or horse the same as last year that is 10 morning 5 at dinner & 10 at night to be fed all times ----------------------------- 1870 )The morningisclear calm & cool Wind N. W. March ( Wednesday 23)Wm did not git home last night I went to Town quite a number Wm ( of people there WIlliam stayed in Mt. Pleasant last night with Harris I was disapointed in not gitting the tickets from the printers office they having given me last Monday the Whithone Tickets I carried them back today (I got some Garden seed) & ordered more tickets printed, I did not git them today. -----------------------------
Th 24 ) The morning is clear calm & cold Wind from N. E.
Town ) I went to Town got 500 tickets & distributed the most of
them to the Citizens of the Town & country amongst the
negroes who I think will vote for William if they vote atal
$15.00 ) the most of them I spent about $15.00 today treating. I
come home at night verry much broke down but not discouraged.
Wm ) William has not come home at 9 oclock P. M. 12 Pens & ( holder $.35) I got a Dozen of brass looking Pens and a holder from L. H.
Whitford (Nashville) cost $.35. I am writing with one of
them it seems to do tolerable well. _________________ Fri 25 ) The morning is cloudy & cool Wind from East
Wm ) William has not been home since Tuesday morning he went
South every thing is moving that can do anything for these W. J. Webster) paid $137.70) friends in the County Election which comes on tomorrow. ( Myers ) I went to Town ) W. J. Webster paid me $137.70 of the money Williams ( ( $184.00 ) that L. D. Myers paid to Williams clerk on the William R. Porter
debt It seems that Myers paid to the Clerk & Master 184.00
but the Clerk only paid to W. J. Webster &137.70 the amt he
received from Williams (See about it) ____________ It commenced Raining in the evening from the East. I got 500
Yesterday (Tickets yesterday & 120 today making 620 that I received from Sam'l Mathews) Killed (the printing office, yesterday & today of Williams tickets. Boiler ) Bursted (The boiler at Matthews Saw Mill bursted & blew up killing
Samuel Matthews (young man) wounding Kilingswworth & tearing
Wm ) things to mash verry bad (this took place yesterday) William
got home at night
1870 ) The morning is cloudy & raining from East. This is the day March ( Sat 26 ) of the County Election for Officers & to receve the votes for
Rain ) & against the new constitution It commenced rain in the early
part of the day & rained all day notwithstanding there was a
verry full vote of the whites. The negroes did not vote for
the new constitution nor against it. I had an interview with
Lyon agt ) Mr. Lyon the agt of the Ajt Genl at Washington I promised
to see him and Walker in Nashville in abt 10 day after I get
up my evidence &c
Puss $2.00 ) I think the signs of the times are rather against Wm. I give
Jo $2.00 for Puss today, Town __________________________
Sun 27 ) The morning is cloudy Wind cold from N. W. It rained nearly
Rain all night & turned cold before day. I feel much fatigued after
my days work through the rain I got wet & my feet got verry
wet I feel the worse of it this morning had the cramp
through the night, I fear the result of the exposure yesterday. Election ) returns ) We learn by letter that the K. K. ticket has been elected in
to to. Got this letter from J. S. Harris. Most ungrateful ( K. K. ) Harris was the man who issued & give to them certiffi( cates to vote in the last Election, now they pay him back
with a vengeance Most ungrateful & dishonorable wretches, I
hope they will Meet there Just rewards. Harris was beaten
for Tax collector by J. Akins the nominee of K. K. convention
Hickey has beaten Padget Hickey, Latta & all that was elected
was the K. K. nominees.
Self ) I am taking cold from the wetting Saturday
1870 ) The morning is clear calm & frosty Cold. N. W. March ( Mon 28 ) I went to Town a greate many people the K. K. nomination
was all elected verry easy they had a greate msny of there
Clan at every Election ground doing everything they could
The negroes was much intimidated & many of them if they voted
Potatoes ) atal voted to please them through fear. $3.50 ( Onions ) I bot a barrel of potatoes (Russets) three bushels I give $1.20 ( Total $5.00 ) $3.50 for them. I got 2 gallons of Onion Sets Cost $1.20 pr ( gallon Cole oil $.30 - all cost $5.00 ) William traded off Sold ( ( Sorrel stud ) my Sorrel Stud for a fine looking bay horse 16 hands high, for bay ( horse ) he swapt with Mr. Reaves son of old Elijah Reaves they
swapt even The next day they raced back & Reaves took his horse
& braught the Stud back They raced back & no trade ______________________
Tu 20 ) The morning is clear Wind from S. E. & cool (I stayed at
home) Jo plowed the Reaves bay horse & Bell mule in the
Garden. I planted peas, Radishes & Cabbage seed in the Garden
Bay Horse ) Jo hurt the sholders of the bay horse verry much today in
plowing him he won't be fit to work for some time Rain ) Tom Peelar ) Rained in the fore part of the night Tom Peelar mended plow
rod today (Felix) ___________________________
Wed 30 ) The morning is cloudy Wind S. W. Jo & Richard is helping us
today planting potatoes in the Garden & halling Manure doing Richd work ) (No sun) it verry well. It has been sprinkling rain all evening & the
most of the day. ________________________