Mon 15 / Jim 8.5l Salt ) The morning is cloudy smokey & foggy & quite cool im got 34 lbs of salt to salt up his pork at .75 cents per bushel What will 34 lbs come to Answer to 51 cents and that was 1 1/2 Cents per lb. I give $3.75 for the barrel of 7 bushels.
Tus 16 / Hog killing Rain ) The morning is cloudy high Wind from S. & quite warm The boys Preston, Jack & George H. killed there hogs yesterday high winds all day Rained nearly all day
Wed 17 / Charley $2.00 Lorra $2.00 / W. J. Webster ) The morning mostly clear high wind N. & cold I give Charley $2.00 - $2.00 Got Lorra a pair of shoes cost - $2.00 I got a new axe handle cost - $.25 William J. Webster has gone to Henry County
1869 November Th 18 / Richd 10 lbs Monk 71 Adaline ) The morning is clear calm & cold Wind N. Richard Got a bucket of salt 10 lbs Adaline (by Monk) got 71 lbs of Salt.
Fr 19 / Rain / Misses cate & Matta Webster ) The morning is cloudy & raining having rained nearly all night coming from the South mostly Misses Cate & Matta Webster came & spent the night. Little Leroy came also but William took him back about 9 oclock he got a little unwell & wanted to go home About 12 oclock the Wind changed to the north & turned verry cold The Wind was high & it snowed verry hard for about 2 hours Verry cold
Sat 20 / Hogs Pork See 12th Inst. Nov. / George H. Jack Preston Richd / George H. 109 lbs. of pork / Charley $4.50 ) The morning is partially clear Wind N. W. Snow on the ground & verry cold The boys are killing the ballence of our pork hogs this morning George H. Richd, Preston, & Jack. William & Hamon is superintending &c We have killed 11 hogs The weights are as follows
Got all done & hung up in Smoke house before dinner William went to Town got Charley a pair of Boots Cost $4.50 Got Cole oil sugar & Coffee
1869 November Sun 2 / Self ) The morning is cloudy & cold Wind N. My General health is about like it has been for some time Sometimes better & worst. I have been compelled to take the Brandeth pills continually about one every night If I let it alone I have to take it the more to git right It seems that I cant have a passage unless I force it by medicine of some sort I have been taking these pills for some time
Mon 22 / George H. / Jack / Rich'd / salted our pork down / See 12 Novr See 20 Novr )
The morning is clear Wind is S. E. & cold. George H. Jack & Richd has cut out & salted up our Pork that was killed Saturday got it done at one oclock It is clouding up looks like it might Snow or Rain Verry cold, S. & E. Wind verry disagreeable weather. We have had a verry good time on our Pork put it down in Salt verry well & verry cool, it will be apt to save We ground a beautiful chance of Sausage Meet this evening
Tu 23 / Sake at Matthews ) This morning is verry cloudy & warm having rained last night high Winds S. This morning wind from N. Doct Gillispie, E. Bennet & - Pinnion spent the night with us last night (turning cold) Sale of Mr. Matthews personal property today Verry cold in the evening Wind at night
Wed 24 ) The morning is cloudy damp & cold Wind N. Preston & George H. is trying to hall up the corn crop We made our hogs feet &c into cold Souse
1869 November Th 25 ) The morning is clear calm & cold N. E. I stayed at home trying to make out our settlements with the Croppers all day
Fr 26 / Shaved ) The morning is a little cloudy & cold I stayed home all day making out my accounts I shaved & put on clean shirt
Sat 27 ) The morning is a little cloudy Mostly calm Wind from the South I went to Town for the 1st. time in some time
Sun 28 / N. Porter / B. W. P. & T. L. P. ) The morning is cloudy Wind E. & quite cold. My health is abot like it has been past week, like it has been. Myself, William & Thomas signed a Note Blank for Thomas to take and try to get money on if he can.
Mon 29 ) The morning is cloudy sprinkling rain Wind S. & weather some moderated
Tu 30 / Caleb / Cotton ) The morning is cloudy & like it would rain Richard went to Jones and got Caleb's bale of Cotton took it to Town & William sold it at 20.60 the bale come to $108 dollars paid off an Execution agt me of $100.15 cents in favour of Jne Soribner
Wed 1 ) Morning a little cloudy Wind N.
Th 2d 1869 December ) The morning is mostly clear calm & cold. N. E. and quite cold I stayed at home all day not verry well
Fr 3 ) The morning little cloudy calm cold Wind N. E. I stayed at home all day quite weakly
Sat 4 / Charly ) The morning is cloudy cold Blustery Wind S. & S. E. This is verry disagreeable weather 1st charley have $.050 & he took the Gun to kill a Rabbit 1st Puss have $1.00 & Felix $.15 cents
Sun 5 / Rain )
The morning is cloudy & Rainy S. E. It has been Raining nearly all night commenced yesterday evening and have rained
ever since.
My general health is quite feeble this damp cold weather is verry hard on me. I took an injection yesterday Warm watter My new surrenge done verry well it is the first time I used it since I got it in Nashville I eat a little verry salt Pork the other day which has produced Costiveness My Genral helf for the last week has not been so good as the week before. I shaved today and also shaved Friday 26th. Nov'r Ten days including both days took an injection again today Still costive & has taken the usual number of pill, 1 every day
Mon 6 / George H. ) The morning is verry cloudy N. Loned George H. $5.00 to buy beadsteads.
Tu 7 ) the morning is clear & cold N. E. I stayed at home all day
1869 November Wed 8 ) The morning is verry dark and smokey and verry cold calm The blue Ink I got don't do well This I am writing with is a mixture and I have put some comperass in it this morning
Th 9 / T. Smith ) the morning has cleared off Wind in the south & verry cold Old Tom Smith came yesterday at 11 oclock stayed all day & all night he had been in a spree drinking ever since last Monday looks bad and dirty.