Volume 4: 1869-1871



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[page] 597

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Tuesday 25 The morning is mostly clear warm. W.
$2.00 Warren halled a load of Corn from Tyler's to Mayes Stable in Town for which they paid Warren $2.00 and to be accounted for between Warren and me.
Wednesday 26 The morning cold cloudy and spinking rain W.
Thursday 27 The morning is cloudy and cool. Nothing to enter to feeble to wright. I am quite to feeble to wright.
Drove Stayed mostly in bead till I with dificulty drove out to the pawn and back.
Friday 28 Friday 28 looks like rain nothing to enter I feel to weak to do anything I am quite low down It has looked like rain every day this week but has rained none
Thomas Thoms got the Black horse and Bugg for him and Fanna to go to Town Thomas shaved me and I put on a clean pr Slips. [pair of slippers?]
Saturday 29 The morning is mostly clear and warm W. I know of but little that is going on quite weak and feeble. I did not take any drive today
Janey Arm broke Puss $1.00 Thomas little daughter Janey got her arm broke this morning let Puss have $1.00 today she went to Town
Sunday 30 Sunday 30 The morning is clear calm and warm W.
. . P 11 My General health is not good by any means I have a verry severe and dry cough I am a using the medicine the receipt of which was given by Mrs. Caruthers the day her and Mrs. Austin
Last edit over 3 years ago by heidimarie
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was here togather, for cough ---------- July Monday 31st day July,

& morning is clear Cool E.

( This morning Jack give ) me Six dollars $6.00 on ( the account of wood he ) has been a hallin to ( Town & Silling

By the assistance of William I have put on a clean shirt & drawers this morning. In changing my close I had no flannin the morning was quite cool I was fearful of the result but William was over anxious to have the change and I consented I fear I have done wrong I am fearful it will result badly I aught to have taken my own way & not suffered it done ---------- August Tuesday 1st . . P 11

The morning is clear & calm & cool W.

) Meal ( 2 Bushels ) ( Puss $1.00

I sent Warren to Vaughn's Mill with $1.40 to git 2 bushels of Meal at $0.70 per bushel.

let Puss have $1.00 today for potatoes to trade with the pedlar. ---------- Wednesday 2

The morning is clear calm & warm Sun shines verry warm W.

) Prunus [?] ( Bark Elixer ) 20 Iodide ( of Iron

) Jack Wood ( $2.00

) New Medicine

I rode out in my bugga around in the woods lott for about 1.5 hours I felt much fatigued had to lay down & rest when I returned I got back to the house at 9 o'clock New Medicine We had a little Shower of Rain in the evening not enough to do but verry little good tho it will help some. Jack halled & sold a load of wood today $2.00 William braught a bottle of Medicine for me to take It is called __________ I tak some at going to bed & some next morning I think it has opperated some on the bowels ----------

Last edit over 3 years ago by heidimarie
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-599Th 3 ) The morning is some cloudy & warm W. . . P 111 ( I rested verry bad all night suffocated & much dificulty in gitting my breath all night quite bad off all night I don't think I can stand it long unles it git better I am verry weak Jack ) and feeble Wood ( $4.00 ) Jack halled load of wood to Town & sold it for $4.00 The new bottle of Medicine I think mooves the bowels I have been mooved more than usual today I tok it last night & this morning

Fr 4 ) The morning is clear & verry warm W. I was verry bad off with my breast Suficated and strangled all night I did not expect to live until morning. I got up early and went to Town & got some Medicine from Dr. Pillow to tak time of these spells. I got an umbrralla $3.25 a box of Mustard Seed ground .20

Augt ( The morning is cloudy verry warm W. 1871 ) Sat 5 ( I left this morning in a good deal of misery in my Bugga Felix . . P 111 ) & a big Jug 3 Gallons & went to the Sulphur Spring on bear ( Sulphur ) creek & got home at 1 oclock I had a bad time the worst rode Spring ( Bear Cr. ) I ever traveled that far in a bugga I was told by William It in part was a good rode I got home as bad a broke down man as I ever saw be sides the pills I took in the morning made ) me sick and worked me all the rode ) I will take my own way ( about my self here after I think I am justifyed to do so

Last edit almost 3 years ago by emfitzgerald
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-600& if I am not I will try & git some one who has my interest at heart. I am truly glad to git home after travuling 12 or 14 miles and sick, I go no more I think. Jack Wood $2. Jack halled loads of wood to Town Sold $

Sun 6 1 The morning is not verry clear Sun shines verry weak. E. My general health is not by any means good I am verry weak & feeble Greate oppression about my hart & dificulty of breathing at times It seems that unless I mend soon I can't last much longer.

Mon 7 The morning is cloudy My dificulty of breathing & oppression in my breast I can't stand it much longer We sent for Doct Pillow he got here near night before he come. We had Mustard seed put on my Breast & stomach the pills had opperated he gave me nothing but said the disease was now mostly the stomach the NewMoney was mostly removed & now I had to work upon a disease of the stomach The suffocation dificulty of breathing hart sickness & prostration was now the effects of a diseased stomach that would require greate attention, it was now quite dangerous & hard to manage Doct Pillow left after supper believing that I had recovered

1871 Aug't Tues 8 It has been warm & sultry I rested badly tho some better this morning not much

Last edit about 3 years ago by rwoj
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-601Jack $6.00 ) Jack halled wood to Town yesterday & today Settled for last week amt six dollars

Wed 9 ) The morning is mostly clear & verry warm S. W.

Thur 10 ) This morning is cloudy & warm W. I was verry bad off the latter art of the night Thomas come last night & stayed with us all night A verry heavy rain fell a good season this morning It was greatly needed about 8 oclock.

[Remaining entries aparently in a different handwriting] Fri 11 ) The morning verry warm Dr. Pillow & Dr. Dorsett come give me a thorough examination and lef medcine I took 1 pull H ay ( before supper A verry good rain Press commenced cutting hay Rain )

Sat 12 ) Morning warm & cloudy rested much better last night Mat com & staid with me all night he has been here two days waiting on me Setteled with Jack Patton he halled eight loads of wood this Press $2.25) ( week he paid Press two dollars 25 cents for cutting hay Meal ) Adaline ( paid Warren $2.00 fr meal paid Adeline $.75 paid ballance to B. W. Porter

Sat 21 ) Father commenced this evening 5 oclock taking Squills & Soothing medacine at 8 " took a dose of Dover's powders

Last edit almost 3 years ago by emfitzgerald
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