Wed 19 / rich'd 1/2 half day / Meet / See Novr 20 hanging / App ) The morning is quite cold Ground frose Wind N. a little cloudy. Jo P (Richard) 1/2 day is hanging our meet this morning. See 12th & 20 Nov'r been in salt the month App is mooving his house to the Ginger Spring the house that Jim lived in last year
Th 20 / Pittion ) The morning is some cloudy Wind N. W. The weather is moderated The renters are all fixing up there houses &c I see Vance Thompson Sent the pittion I sent him the 17 to the Committee on Suffrages today (See 17)
Fri 21 / Alfred Montgumery / Corn ground ) The weather is moderated Clear some frost Wind N. W. A man about 22 years old form appearance, blue eyes, slim built Weight about 125 or 130 cam last night at dusk We took him in said he had no money eat his breakfast said his name was Alfred Montgumery We discovered this morning that he was partially deranged. William got up some close for him & he put them on and left. Said he was traveling to the east. Jo & me worked at the Corn house doors &c.
Sat 22 / Wm / Rich'd 1/2 day / Corn house Crib ) The morning is cloudy Wind South William left early for Spring hill (Cars) Richd & Jo has been repairing the weatherboarding made & finished a doore put a lock & key to it so that no one can git out corn Worked to dinner 1/2 Puss & Jo went to Town
Jo & Pus / Sally / Table ) drove Bell mule & he got for me a lock & Sugar $.50 COle Oil $.40 $.20 for himself & Puss $1.80. Sally borrowed our old dining Table the 1st ever owned
~371~ are bonding William ) William is bad off with cold he has had a Diore for two weeks but better of it, but a bad cold now ) We are getting some few eggs the hens are beginning to lay Jo put up fence and halled up wood App is halling Brick App ) to build his chimney at the Ginger Spring ---------------------------------1870 ) The morning is clear Wind high- S.W. January ( George Webster Ju'r & Jay Webster came home with Willa & Wed 26 ) Hamon from Town last night about 11 oclock ) George P. is George & ( building App's ^ Dave's chimney to house at the Ginger Spring Jay Webster Stephan Wright came about 11 A.M. Satyed until after dinner George P.1 Says that Reuben Wright is (in Texas I think) I got some See 29 verry moderate weather --------------------------------Thur 27 ) The morning is verry cloudy (Speaking Rain) West Wm ( William left this morning to the West don;t expect to git home before Saturday night or Sunday Will probably be at Hampshire Saturday. George P. ) See 29 ) George P. is building App's chimney I give him his Meal Aleck & Jack)Meet for the week they are halling some brick from the kill Wood ) Cold ) to run out the chimney, Aleck & Jack is halling wood The Wind has changed to the North & turning verry cold Grubung ) My Grubbing how & puck has got home found neear the plank How & pick ) fence by the shop braught there in a few days. It was well •
7 )
it came back if it had not some body would have been troubled I know who too it a way, & I sent them word to bring it back & they have done it J. Murphey) Mr. James Murphey was here Stayed 2 or 3 hours he expressed a greate deal of kind feelings & friendship told me all about how he got away from Johnson's Island his travels in plan of) gitting back to his company in the South &c he wants a moddle Smoke house) of my Smoke house he is well pleased with it I must give him a plan of it
1870) The morning is mostly clear & cold. Wind N. W. Jany( Fri 28) William did not git home last night gone to the West end of Wm) the County. I went to Town after dinner Saw and talked with ) a good man ( I got $2.00 of Sugar $.75 potatoes & ) $3.75) $1.00 Tobacco for Jo & Puss, in all $3.75 Thomas's Mule got away last night he found it today at J. Websters & brought it back tonight home. One of his cows Sugar) died had a young calf & died Sugar $2.00
Sat 29) The morning is partially clear. Cold Wind N. W. Wm) William did git home last night Tom Robeson says he saw him Thursday morning going South West bear Howard's going towards Lawrence Legget) Jack Paton has hailed Corn tow days this week for Legget from the Walker's place at $ Jack halled for himself Corn Jack) to Town this last week & halled Corn for himself to Town today.
George P. ) George P. has worked 3 days this week in all at App's App( George P. ) chimney has worked in all painting the Smoke house 2 1/2 days in all last week I went to Town Many people there I got a bottle of Bulls ( Wm ) Sasaperrellas, & Potash Cost $1.75 ) Wm got home at night $1.75 ) (
Sun 30 ) The morning is little cloudy Wind S. W. My General health is better than it was last week some. I went to Town 2 days Fr & Sat. Saw & talked with a greate many Voters The Town in verry much divided but the people is counting in a large majority for Wm. When I got home last Spoon full ( 3 time a ) night I was much exosted & not so well. day ( Blood ) Bull's Sasaperella 1 oz of Potash to the bottle Take purefire ( Dr. McEwen ) 1 Table spoonfull three times a day Blood purefire by Dr. McEweng 29 Jany 1879. 1870 ) The morning is cloudy little cold Wind S. W. looks like Rain January ( Mon 31 ) I wrote & mailed a letter to Alexander, Casport Lone office Lawrence County, near Bennets asking him to give a bid for the land where Bennet lives. (Sunday)
See 17 Jany) " 27 Decr( Jo went to Neely's Mill took 2 bags of Corn 2 1/2 bushe;s in "31 Jany) each 5 bushels I got a new Meal Bag Saturday Cost $1.00 Verry large
February ) February Tus 1st ) The morning is clear & quite cold Wind N. I am using Bull's