Nimrod Porter Papers

Pages That Need Review

Volume 4: 1869-1871

Needs Review


Sun. 17 / Jack Patton $5.00 Akins, Lands right of redemption / Curt C. ) The morning is very cold heavy frost

I give Jack Patton an order to Jim Atkins is our. securty for $5.00 (goods [illegible]

I conveyed my right of redemption to William of all my lands the West side is out [illegible] the East side is out 28 October 1870 [illegible] W ill adjorn to day chancery [illegible] adjorned this evening.

1869 October Sun 17 (continued) Self ) The morning is clear calm & cool My General health is about like it has been the last week or two. I think I am taking cold the breaking out on my face & head is verry annoying infirmed with biles that is verry troublesome of nights so I sleep but little I can stand it through the daybetter than of nights I am taken a cold

Mon 18 / Self / Thos. L. Porter plank See 21 sept ) The morning is clear calm & cool I went to Town I went to Town & tryed to arrange my Matters got but little done I am taking a bad cold

Thos L. Porter got 26 poplar floorin plank 10 feet long & 8 Inches, and also got 110 fencing plank 6 Inch by 14 feet long

Tu 19 / Self ) The morning is clear smokey & cool I rested badly I have a verry bad cold it is hurting me verry much It turned quite cool in the evening I tryed to learn John Amens Opinions about Government Contractors

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Wed 20 / Self / Stephens ) The morning is dark. cloudy & cool. I have been quite bad of all night with cold.

A man Mr Stevens, son of David Stevens, (one leg) stayed here last night. I got some fish last night. I have injoyed it very much the Lake fish but few bones. I kept indoors all day, bad cold

Th 21 Thos. $10.00 ) The morning is dark cloudy & raining Slow

I loned Thomas L. Porter Ten dollars today I stayed at home all day in my room bad cold Cough is tolerable bad

Fri 22 ) The morning is cloudy and raining & cold, rained all night slowly. It has rained nearly all day, enough to raise the watters. It is a hard matter to keep in wood

1869 October Sat 23 / papers Ament / Charley Puss ) Still raining Windy N. W. & turning Gold. these rains will raise the watters

I got the papers on the case of J. T. Moore ag't Jno. M. Ament Gov't Agent (on the 21st Inst.) William & Looney reopet for them in the Circuit Court Clerk Office I must take care of them & return them I was anxious to see how that case agt Ament was decided I have no doubt it is in my favour

It has Rained nearly all night and is still raining this morning

I paid Charley two dollars to git a coat I paid Puss $1.00 to git Sugar

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Sun 24 ) This mornin is verry cold frost & Ice

My General health is no better sometimes

Mon 25 ) The morning is clear frosty & cold I stayed at home trying to regulate about my Government Claims Not verry well Thomas went to Bigby

Tu 26 / William / Jim's Corn I owe him one half load ) The morning is verry cloudy & cold William left thids morning on the oars for Pulaskie to the fair

Jim has finished halling his crope of Corn from his Count I have got 6 loads & him 5 loads in the 2 horse Wagon. In a Settlement of our Corn & what has been used I fall in his debt one half a load

Wed 27 / George H. $5.00 ) The morning is clear calm & cold [illegible] & spent the night I let George H. have $5.00 he is going to Lincon County

1869 Oct Th 28 George H. See 27 / Town Wm Flour Rich $1.00 Felix $1.40 Puss ) The morning is clear calm & not so cold

George H. went this morning in the cars to Lincoln County by the way of Pulaskie William did not git home last night I went to Town expecting to find William he did not come


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Fri 29 / William Town Wm Pussy Clary $1.40 Corney 1.25/$2.65 Candy Cole Oil / Tom Pealer ) The morning is cloudy some and warm wind S.

William has not got home yet from the Fair I went to Town a fter dinner William did not come

I got Clary pair shoes $1.40 Corney $1.25 - - - - $2.65 I got 24 Star Candles 4 lbs. (25) - - - - 1.00 A can of cole oil .40 cts - - - - .40/85.05 Paid Tom pealer for mending Bugga .75 - - - - .75/85.80 he worked the half of the day

Sat 30 / Charley 0.50 Felix - .15 Clary - .25 - Corny .20/$1.00 Jack Patton Corn ) The morning is a little cloudy the Wind N. W. The Wind blows verry cold N. W. Weather some moderated

Hamon got home from the Fair - Pulaskie - to Thos last night I stayed home all day


I have made a settlement with Jack Patton of our Corn Crop I have got in all 32 bbs and he has got the same We are even in the Corn line

Sun 31 / Self / Wm ) The morning is clear calm & cold The Wind all day yesterday was from N. & W. Cold

My General health is about like it was last week William has not returned from the Fair (he got home about 1 oclock)

I went after dinner to W. B. Wilson's Spent the evening with him verry socially he comes home nearly every Saturday evening Richd & Abe in a fuss about Richard [illegible] cow said Richard has killed her

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Smoore99
Needs Review


1869 November Mon 1st ) The morning is clear calm & cold

I went to Town W. P. Martin drew up a pitition to the Gen'l Assembly now setting asking a law to be passed authorising the people to elect the Clerk of the Chancery Court in place of the Judge apointg I took the pitition amongst the people about one hour & near one hundred men signed it The County Cort is in Session greate many people in Town

Tu 2 / Socks &c / Richd $22.50 ) The morning is a little cloudy & smokey & quite cold & disagreeable weather

I went to town got 2 pr Socks - - - - - $1.00 Sweet potatoes half bushel - - - - - .50 Beef - - - - - 0.50 1 paper of pins - - - - - .10 Total $2.10

I got in all from Richard 18 bbs & Rich has got 24 bbs

Upon a settlement with Richard Trotter he fell in my debt two loads of Corn 3 bbs each at $3.75 per barrel making $21.00 (21.00)

Wed 3 ) The morning is a little cloudy & smokey The Weather is moderated Charley Monk & Jack halled Caleb Corn

Th 4 / Caleb Corn ) The morning is mostly clear rained a little last night. We started 3 wagons Jack Monk & Charley into Calebs field Owed 18 bbs [next line illegible]

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Fr 5 / Monk $11.25) The morning a little cloudy hall with 3 wagons finished the 10 loads at 12 oclock All the feed corn

Caleb heretofore has used 4 1/2 loads Monk heretofore has used 4 I have used 4

There is 4 loads yet coming of 3 barrels each making 12 bbs (I am intitled to another load to make us even) I have let Monk have it, 3 barrels which he is to account to me for upon a settlement Corn is selling for $3.75 per bb (Monk $11.25) I have got no more Corn than pay for feed of the mules out of Caleb's field

1869 November Sat 6 / Tallahassa battle ) The morning is clear & come colder Wind N. W.

This morning 56 years ago we faugh the battle at Tallahassa the 6th. of November 1813. Mad a verry greate slaughter amongst the unfortunate Indians, & some of our brave boys killed also. We surrounded the Town killed nearly all off them burnt up the Town mostly. Got out of there sellers the cooked potatoes dreeping with the grease of the rosted Indians that was burned i there houses, the potatoes having been put away in there sellers We had greasy eating of potatoes

Sun 7 / Caleb corn &c but little ) The morning is clear & cold Wind N. W. My General health is not quit so good having taken too much exercise in getting up our Corn with Caleb Th. & F. I have taken a renewed cold Caleb is acting verry badly have not got as much Corn as pays me for the feeding the Mules while plowing Caleb has acted badly teacherous & dishonestly in every way he could I eat some sweet potatoes for dinner it

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Thos Fanna 5 children with us today ) has given cholic right bad for some 2 hours Fanna Thomas and all her children eat dinner with us today

Mon 8 / Jack P. / beef ) The morning is dark & cloudy and sleating N. & West Jack Patton killed a little Beef I got a part of a hind quarter it weighed 25 1/2 lbs. I am to pay him back the same (25 1/2 lbs.) when I kill my little beef

M 8 / Caleb Tops See 11 Inst. ) The morning cloudy cold & sleating I stayed home all day I got 2 loads of Tops of Caleb I owe hime for the half it is worth about a load See Th. 11 finished halling Thursday 11.

1869 Nov'r Tus 9 Dalladego ) The morning is cloudy cold Wind N. E. The 9th. Nov'r 1813 was battle of Talladega It was for a while a hard faught battle I was in it & bore a verry conspicuous part Many Indians was killed & some of our brave boys also The day 9th. Nov'r never passes me without thinking of the battle & suffering that was on that day The wounded and there crys were distressing

Wed 10 ) The morning cloudy & cold George H. halled 2 loads of Corn to me Jack's Wagon

Th 11 ) The morning is dark & cloudy Cold Eastern are verry disagreeable it affects me verry much We finished halling up from

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Caleb's field the Tops of fodder there was four & one half loads in all o f the (2 horse wagon) Caleb is inititled to pay for the half of them. Preston had a cotton picking got out nearly all of his cotton danced all night to tale

Fr 12 / See 20 Nov / Hoga Pork 1137 / Jack Richd Press & George H. See 20th. Nov'r ) The morning is mostly clear some clouds coming from the N. W. & cold Jack Richd Preston & George H. is prepairing to kill my hogs as follows (all small) Making eleven hundred and thirty seven pounds We have 12 more to kill larger ones We got done killing & at 12 oclock The Lard little stand Weighed 54 lbs. [table]

1869 November Sat 13 ) The morning is Cloudy Wind in S. W. & West It commenced raining last night about dark & rained on until the turn of the night & is turning cold this morning. We finished salting up our meet and got some wood.

Sun 14 )

The morning is mostly clear Wind S. W. & West and quite cool My General health is about like it has been the desperate bad cold I have had for the last 8 or 10 days is getting much better The Diabets & Piles have been affecting me for the last few days a good deal. I can't rest of nights My health a nd other things won't let me rest or sleep but little of nights.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Smoore99
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Mon 15 / Jim 8.5l Salt ) The morning is cloudy smokey & foggy & quite cool im got 34 lbs of salt to salt up his pork at .75 cents per bushel What will 34 lbs come to Answer to 51 cents and that was 1 1/2 Cents per lb. I give $3.75 for the barrel of 7 bushels.

Tus 16 / Hog killing Rain ) The morning is cloudy high Wind from S. & quite warm The boys Preston, Jack & George H. killed there hogs yesterday high winds all day Rained nearly all day

Wed 17 / Charley $2.00 Lorra $2.00 / W. J. Webster ) The morning mostly clear high wind N. & cold I give Charley $2.00 - $2.00 Got Lorra a pair of shoes cost - $2.00 I got a new axe handle cost - $.25 William J. Webster has gone to Henry County

1869 November Th 18 / Richd 10 lbs Monk 71 Adaline ) The morning is clear calm & cold Wind N. Richard Got a bucket of salt 10 lbs Adaline (by Monk) got 71 lbs of Salt.

Fr 19 / Rain / Misses cate & Matta Webster ) The morning is cloudy & raining having rained nearly all night coming from the South mostly Misses Cate & Matta Webster came & spent the night. Little Leroy came also but William took him back about 9 oclock he got a little unwell & wanted to go home About 12 oclock the Wind changed to the north & turned verry cold The Wind was high & it snowed verry hard for about 2 hours Verry cold

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Smoore99
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Sat 20 / Hogs Pork See 12th Inst. Nov. / George H. Jack Preston Richd / George H. 109 lbs. of pork / Charley $4.50 ) The morning is partially clear Wind N. W. Snow on the ground & verry cold The boys are killing the ballence of our pork hogs this morning George H. Richd, Preston, & Jack. William & Hamon is superintending &c We have killed 11 hogs The weights are as follows


Got all done & hung up in Smoke house before dinner William went to Town got Charley a pair of Boots Cost $4.50 Got Cole oil sugar & Coffee

1869 November Sun 2 / Self ) The morning is cloudy & cold Wind N. My General health is about like it has been for some time Sometimes better & worst. I have been compelled to take the Brandeth pills continually about one every night If I let it alone I have to take it the more to git right It seems that I cant have a passage unless I force it by medicine of some sort I have been taking these pills for some time

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Smoore99
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