from folder 181: Wills & Indentures



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[3-27-1847] The last Will and Testament of John Shaw Decd In the name of God Amen ! I John Shaw of Wake County and State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory (blessed be God) do make this the 27th day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty Seven and publish this my last Will & Testament in the manner and form following Item 1 I lend unto my wife Fanny Martin Shaw the following negros to wit. Sam, Sandy, Norvel Allen, Jinny, Lender, Cherry, Isaac Wake Frank, Ransom, Hansel, Phil, Mary Jane, Daniel, Clay, Caroline & Maria during her natural life, or widow hood also I lend her as above stated the land whereon. I now live, that my father gave her the tract of land I purchased of Sherman Goss, Jr containing 430 acres more or less. My Will and desire is that my Executor allow my wife as much Corn, Bacon or

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Pork Wheat Oats & Fodder, as may sufficient for herself and family on year 1 also I lend her, a sufficiency of horses & cows, hogs and sheep, that may be sufficient for carrying on her farm, and further support Also I lend her my smally waggon and Gear, Ox-cart, Yoke of steeds, cotton gin, wheat machine My small Will and 10 of my Cider hogsheads & 2 barrels! Also I lend her as above stated as may of my plantation tools, of every description as my Executor shall think sufficient & carry on her farm! Also I lend her as above stated my household & Kitchen furniture! In case my wife shoul marry, my Will & desire is that she have an equal share or part with all my children & thats she retain the plantation whereon I now live that my father gave me containing 590 acres during her natural life! I have and desire unto my Son A M. Shaw one negro man known by the name Orange one, Sorel mare & bridle & saddle, one Bed and furniture one bay horse, in the room of cows & hogs! Also I give him 2 negros Ben & Patsay

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I give and devise unto my daughter Candace B Peake 2 negros girls named Mariah & Sarah, one gray mare one Bed and furniture, and forty Dollars. I gave her to buy cows &c. The above property she received when she married and left me, to her and her hairs forever! Also I give and devise unto my daughter Laura M Rogers 2 negros name Sess & Milla, on Soel horse 2 cows. one. Bed and furniture. to her and heirs forever! which property she received when she married and left me! Also. I give & devise unto my daughter Polly Morgan Wright 2 negros one man named Anthony and a girl by the name of Emeline. one horse Bed & furniture & 2 cows- the above property she recd when she married & left me to her & her heirs forever! Also I give and devise unto Jennette Screven Herndon 2 negros named Chaney & Jinsy one gray mare. one Bed & fuurniture, also I sent her a gray horse which I in? in the [illegible] of Cows. that I aught to have given her. to her & her heirs forever! The above property she received when she married & left me! Since that I sent her one Hundred Dollars. Since that I sent her one Woman & child for which I gave Seven

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Huundred & Ninety five Dollars ($795.=) The Hundred Dollars & woman & child she will allow in settlement with my other children after my death without paying Interest Also I give and devise unto my son John T Shaw the tract of land I pur= chased of William Clements Containing 22 acres more of less. also I give him the tract I purchased Jordan Evans 100 acres more or less. Also I give him one other tract of land I purchased of Wm Ship containing 112 acres more or less one negro man named Isham one Bay mare on Bed & furniture 2 cows & calves. to him & his heirs for ever. The above property he received when he married & left me I also give him after my death $300- so as to make his land Equal to the property I gave A.M. Shaw in the {illegible} of land I intended to give him. Also I give & devise unto my daughter Agnes

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M Leathers 2 negros Dick & Surry! Surry died and I have given her another girl named Jo= =annah in the place of Surry. (I don't wish her to be accountable for Joannah)! One sorel horse one Bed & furniture 2 cows & claves to her and her heirs forever the above property she received when she married & left me! Item. I give & devise unto my Son Calvin H Shaw The tract of land I purchased of the Estate of Dennis Grady (it being apart of the red house tract he now lives on) containing 113 acres more of less. one negro man named Neverson also one boy named Henderson about 9 years old when he received him. but shall be ac= countable to his other brothers & sisters in settlement after my death forsaid boy Henerson say $300 - Also I lent him Sixty ($60:) Dollars which is to come out of his part coming tohim, one horse Bridle & saddle one Bed & furniture 2 cows & calves. Also my new Rifle I purchased of Wm Holloway to him and his heirs forever: My further will and disire is that the crop of Corn after leaving a sufficiency for one year allowance for my wife & family with various other articles crop of Tobacco cotton oats & whet should be sold and applied to the payment of my just debts and if that is not suffiecient the balance to be taken from the land & negros that will be left to be sold after my death!

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