I give and devise unto my daughter
Candace B Peake 2 negros girls named
Mariah & Sarah, one gray mare one Bed
and furniture, and forty Dollars. I gave
her to buy cows &c. The above property she
received when she married and left me, to
her and her hairs forever!
Also I give and devise unto my daughter
Laura M Rogers 2 negros name Sess &
Milla, on Soel horse 2 cows. one. Bed
and furniture. to her and heirs forever!
which property she received when she married
and left me!
Also. I give & devise unto my daughter
Polly Morgan
Wright 2 negros one man named Anthony
and a girl by the name of Emeline. one horse
Bed & furniture & 2 cows- the above property
she recd when she married & left me
to her & her heirs forever!
Also I give and devise unto Jennette Screven
Herndon 2 negros named Chaney & Jinsy
one gray mare. one Bed & fuurniture, also I
sent her a gray horse which I in? in the [illegible]
of Cows. that I aught to have given her. to her
& her heirs forever! The above property she
received when she married & left me! Since that
I sent her one Hundred Dollars. Since that I sent
her one Woman & child for which I gave Seven
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