M Leathers 2 negros Dick & Surry! Surry died
and I have given her another girl named Jo=
=annah in the place of Surry. (I don't wish her
to be accountable for Joannah)! One sorel horse
one Bed & furniture 2 cows & claves to her and
her heirs forever the above property she received
when she married & left me!
Item. I give & devise unto my Son Calvin H Shaw
The tract of land I purchased of the Estate of Dennis
Grady (it being apart of the red house tract he now lives
on) containing 113 acres more of less. one negro man
named Neverson also one boy named Henderson about
9 years old when he received him. but shall be ac=
countable to his other brothers & sisters in settlement
after my death forsaid boy Henerson say $300 - Also I
lent him Sixty ($60:) Dollars which is to come out of his
part coming tohim, one horse Bridle & saddle
one Bed & furniture 2 cows & calves. Also my new
Rifle I purchased of Wm Holloway to him and
his heirs forever:
My further will and disire is that the crop of Corn after
leaving a sufficiency for one year allowance for
my wife & family with various other articles crop
of Tobacco cotton oats & whet should be sold and
applied to the payment of my just debts and if
that is not suffiecient the balance to be taken from
the land & negros that will be left to be sold after my death!
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