



Status: Page Status Transcribed

No 1
Sept 15, 1849

State of North Carolina} [Illegible] Equity
Franklin County} Fall Term 1849

To the Honorable the Judge of the Court of
Equity for the County of Franklin aforesaid:
The Bill of Complaint of Henry
W Perry of the said county Plaintiff
James S Yarborough of the same County
Defendant ~
Humbly complaining shewet
unto your Honor, your orator, the Said
Henry W. Perry, that Samuel Perry, by deed
bearing date the 14th day of August 1846
for and in consideration of his natural
love and affection for his daughter Mary
B. Perry, wife of Guston Perry, conveyed a certain
negro slave, named Isaac, together with other negro
slaves in the said deed mentioned (them being
the property of the said Samuel) to the said
Mary B Perry, to have and to hold the same
with their increase to her the said Mary B.
Perry, to and for her sale and seperate use
and benefit during the term of her natural
life, free from the debts, contract, oblegations
and liabilities of her present husband, the
said Guston Perry, and any other husband she
may at any time hereafter Marry, and after her
death to the hiers of the body of the said Mary
B. Perry to have and to hold in fee-simple forever.
As by the said deed, which, on a duly certified copy

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