thereof, your orator is ready to produce and exhibit
whenever thereto required by the course of this Hon-
erable Court, will more fully appear.
Further complaining your orator shewith
that the said Mary B. Perry, by your orator her
next friend, and Guston Perry Junior, Joseph Perry
and Eliza Perry (being the children of the
Guston Perry and infants under the age of twenty one
years) also by your orator their next friend ex-
hibited their Bill of Complaint in this Honorable
Court, at the Spring Term 1847, against the said
Guston Perry as defendent thereto thereby stating
the said deed and such other serveral matters
and things as are therein particularly mentioned
and set forth and praying that a Trustee
might be nominated to whom the said negro
slaves might be conveyed for the said Mary
B. Perry and the said infants Guston Perry Junior
Joseph Perry & Eliza Perry, according to the law, and so as to carry unto effect the real inten-
tion of the said Samuel Perry. And your or
tor further sheweth that the said Guston Perry
appeared and put in his answer to the said
Bill? and ths aid course being set down
for hearing upon the Bill and Answer, the
same came on to be heard before the Honorable
Court at the said spring Term 1847, and it was
declarde that the legal property in the said
negro slaves was in the said Guston Perry as a
Trustee, and it was ordered and adjudged and
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