[Sept 3, 1850]
In the name of God amen, I Josiah Jones of
the County of the County of Wake & State of NC
being of sound and perfect mind & memory blessed
be God. do this the 3rd day of September 1850
make and publish this my last will & Testament
in manner & form following (To Wit)
Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my son Freeman
Jones, the part of my tract of Land lying on the west side of the sho? spring branch after getting
to the head of the bunch thence with a ditch to the
woods thence north to the old line thence west to the spring
branch to him & his heirs forever
Item 2d I give and bequeath unto my son Freeman
Jones one negro Girl by the name of Mary to
him & his heirs foreverItem 3d I Give and Bequeath unto my son Jesse
Jones a piece of my Land called the fowler
Tract It lying being being the land I bought
of John Fowler containing about ninety Acres
adjoining the land of Nancy King, James Fowler &
John Pnugh? to him and his heirs
forever Item 4th I give & bequeath unto
my daughter Rebecca Bunn one small
negro child by the name Leah to her & her
heirs forever. Item 5th I Give & bequeath unto
my Daughter Lucy Strickland one negro man
woman by the name of Aniky & her youngest
child by the name of Millie to her & her heirs
forever. Item 6th Igive and bequeath unto my daughter Candis Jones one negr girl by the
name of Isabel to her & her heirs forever
Item 7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Gilly Jones one negro boy by the name of John
Lump, to her and her heirs forever
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