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Item 8th I lend unto my beloved wife Temper-
ance Jones during her natural life all the balance
of my tract of Land whereon I now live that
I have not specially willed.
Item 9th I lend unto my beloved wife during
her natural life all the balance of my negroes
that I have not speciall willed; at her death,
I want said negroes sold by my Executor; and one
Hundred Dollars of teh proceeds of sale, I give to my
daughter Gilly Jones, I give one hundred Dollars
to my son Riley Jones Jones. I give Susan Faison
Two Hundred Dollars. I give my son William
Jones Two Hundred Dollars provided and on the
Conditions that he calls for it & claims it of my
Executor within two years forward after the death
of my said wife if he does not call for it within
the above named two years I want it Given to
and Equally divided between my sons Freeman Jones
and Jesse Jones. Rebecca Bunn Lacy Strickland &
Candis Jones. I want all the balnce of the amt
of sale of the above named negroes given to and
equally divided between my son Freeman Jones
Jesse Jones Rebecca Bunn Lacy Strickland
& Candis Jones after paying & giving to my son
Wright Jones Two hundred Dollars and my son
Samuel Jones Two hundred to be given them
before balance of sale is divided as afore said.
I want my Executor to choose a committee
of Three disinterested men to allow to my beloved
wife Temperance Jones as much of the balance
of my property (to wit) stock of cattle Horses hogs
sheep & crops house hold and kitchen furniture
plantation utensils or as they in their Judgement
may think she will particularly need the use of

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