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Marango County Alab.
January 14, 1859

?. F. J. Haywood
Dear Sir,
I arrived here on the last of
December, but circumstance have presented my
writing you at an earlier date. I found to my
unexpectedly a number of sick negroes, and some
of them have been dangerously so, there seemed to be
prevailing at the time an influenza which was epi
-demic, and nearly every one on the place was
attacked with it more or less severe. In addi
-tion to this there was two cases of Pneumonia,
one of them among the boys who had just come
up from Mobile. they proved to be very severe
cases and I thought for a time neither could
recover, but with the most unremitting attention
and the assistance of a Physician they are now
back in a fair way to recover. Much to my sup
-prise on my reaching Mobile I was informed that
one of the boys hired in the Turpentine business there
had just died of Pneumonia, they had all enjoyed
excellent health up to that time, and from what I could
learn of the negroes he died from neglect; they say he
was taken sick on tuesday, and that but little attention
paid him until Sunday, when a Doctor was sent for

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