folder 170: Correspondence, September–December 1843

Slavery era records include October 25, the will of Lucinda Lanier of Franklin County, N.C., documents that Dick (adult), Bill (adult), H.G. Leigh (male child), Rebecca (child), Amelia (child) were bequeathed to John Nicholson. Each of these individuals, as well as Phill (adult), another enslaved person, were to receive money from the estate upon Lucinda Lanier's death. (folder 170). Includes business and legal papers as heretofore. January 7, Eliza E. Haywood to Alfred Hall on the care and education of Rebecca's two daughters, and March 1, Hall's reply to same. These are the last letters relating to the Hall family in the papers. Letters from John MacLeod, "Buna Vista," Johnston County, N.C., to George W. Haywood about debts, legal matters, Whig business, at length. These letters are dated June 25, June 26 (to H. W. Husted of Raleigh), July 4, August 17, September 1, October 12, 21; and October 23, 1844. July 19, William Davie Haywood to his brother George about his poor circumstances, desiring to leave for Alabama to practice as a physician. Shortly after this letter was written he did leave for Alabama where he lived with his brother John on his plantation in Greene County. John's letter to George of November 29 describes William's conduct on the plantation. July 27, will of Elija Powell of Chatham County. August 21, Eliza Haywood to her brother George about the education of their brother Edmund Burke, who was going to UNC. October 25, will of Lucinda Lanier of Franklin County, N.C.


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State of NOrth Carolina Franklin County

Superior Court of Law Fall Term 1843 Richard Roe was attached to answer John Doe of a plea wherefore, with force & arms he entered into a certain tract of land situate in the said County of Franklin bounded as follows, that is to say, by the lands of Henry J. G. Ruffin, and Guilford Lewis - containing five hundred and one a half acres, 501 acres, or there abouts - which Jesse Person, Willie Jones, Eliza Jones and Samuel M. Whitaker & his wife Lydia severall devised to the sd John Doe for terms which are not yet expired and ejected the said John Doe from the said tract of Land & other wrongs to him did, to the great damage of the state, And there upon the sd John Doe by his attorneys George E. Badger and Ed Hall, complains that whereas the Said Jesse Person on the 10th day of Feb. 1844 in the year of our Lord 1844, at and in the county aforesaid had demesed to the said John Doe two undi-vided fifth parts of the said tract of land, into four parts to be divided, with the appurtenances; to have the appertenances, from the said 10th day of Feb. to the full end and term of seven years from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended - And also that whereas the said Willis Jones on the said 10th day of Feb. at & in the county aforesaid, had demesed to the said John Doe one other uundivided fifth part of the said tract of Land, into four parts to be divided with the appurtenances; to have and to hold the said undivided fifth part, with the appurtenances from the said 10th day of Feb. to the full end and term of seven years from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended -

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Mr. Alexander McKnight Sir understanding that you are in possession of or claim title to the premises in this declaration of ejectment mentioned, or to some part thereof, and I being sued in this action as a casual ejector only, & having no claim or title to the same, do advise you to appear at the Court House, in the Town of Louisburg, in the County of Franklin, at the next Superior Court of Law to be there held on the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in March 1844, by some attorney of that court, and then and there by a rule of the same Court to cause yourself to be made a defendant in my stead - otherwise I shall suffer Judgement to be entered against me by default therein, and you will be turned out of possession - Your loving friend Richard Roe

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Doe on the demise of Willie Jones & others vs Roe and Alexander McKnight Declaration in Ejectment To Spring Term 1844 ---------------------------- Copy for Alexander McKnight attest N Patterson CSC

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