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State of NOrth Carolina
Franklin County

Superior Court of Law
Fall Term 1843
Richard Roe was attached to
answer John Doe of a plea wherefore, with force &
arms he entered into a certain tract of land situate
in the said County of Franklin bounded as follows,
that is to say, by the lands of Henry J. G. Ruffin,
and Guilford Lewis - containing five hundred and one
a half acres, 501 acres, or there abouts - which
Jesse Person, Willie Jones, Eliza Jones and Samuel
M. Whitaker & his wife Lydia severall devised to
the sd John Doe for terms which are not yet expired
and ejected the said John Doe from the said tract of
Land & other wrongs to him did, to the great dam-
age of the state, And there upon the sd John Doe by
his attorneys George E. Badger and Ed Hall, complains
that whereas the Said Jesse Person on the 10th day of Feb.
1844 in the year of our Lord 1844, at and in the county
aforesaid had demesed to the said John Doe two undi-
-vided fifth parts of the said tract of land, into four
parts to be divided, with the appurtenances; to have
the appertenances, from the said 10th day of Feb. to
the full end and term of seven years from thence
next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended -
And also that whereas the said Willis Jones on the
said 10th day of Feb. at & in the county aforesaid, had
demesed to the said John Doe one other uundivided
fifth part of the said tract of Land, into four parts
to be divided with the appurtenances; to have and
to hold the said undivided fifth part, with the
appurtenances from the said 10th day of Feb. to the
full end and term of seven years from thence next
ensuing and fully to be complete and ended -

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