Journal, 1844–1847

Pages 1-5: Records of cotton planted and picked and of hogs slaughtered, 1844-1845. Pages 6-92: Records of activity at Comer's sawmill, including specific orders for lumber cut to varying sizes and numbers of bushels of corn milled for various customers, 1844-1847. Pages 93-107: Miscellaneous records of corn and cotton planted, picked, and stored in warehouses, and of purchases of knives, clothing, cloth, and tobacco, 1844-1845. Pages 108-200: Short journal entries, most of which list weather conditions and planting and milling activities. A few entries, however, contain slight references to the health and activities of family and friends.


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Last edit over 1 year ago by MBSweeney

Mike To Tobacco 6 1/4
Reddick 12 1/2
Will 12 1/2
Ted 6 1/4
Henry 6 1/4
Reddick 12 1/2
King 6 1/4
Wilbint 12 1/2
Redrick 1 pr Shoes $1.00
Jim Tobacco 6 1/4
Redrick 6 1/4
Cotton picked By D. Blakey for Jno F. Conner 1844 August 15th 10.00 " 16 " 17 6.34 " 18 Sunday " 19 13.40 " 20 15.94 " 21 14.71 above Mill 22 18.23 " 23 12.60 " 24 5.60 " 25 Sunday " 26 (field at courthouse 17.82 " 27 ( 16.86 " 28 ( 14.97 " 29 ( 15.00 " 30 16.12 gin house 31 field 15.39 Sept 1st Sunday Total 19298 Sept 2 1904 " 3 2148 " 4 1924 " 5 1642 " 6 rain " 7 1690 " 8 Sunday " 9 1733 " 10 2160 " 11 1793 " 12 1797 " 13 1796 700 field above mill " 14 900 rain " 15 Sunday " 16 1829 " 17 2280 " 18 1833 " 19 1500 " 20 1441 " 21 923 Pull fod des " 22 Sunday 29 293
Last edit over 2 years ago by hwrobbins
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(First column) Sept

Monday 23 - 1806 Tues 24 - 1626 W 25 - 1779 T-- 26 - 1956 F-- 27 - 1439 S-- 28 - rain S-- 29 -- M 30 Rain Severe T Oct 1 -- 1150 W -- 2 -- 2118 T-- 3 -- 1500 F -- 4 - 1000 S rains severe -- 5 - S - 6 - M -- 7 - 1495 T -- 8 Votwioged (?) Written diagonally from 8th to 10th W -- 9 Th -- 10 Fr -- 11 -- 1448 Sat 12 1553 (Second column) Oct - -- M 14 1109 T 15 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 S 20 M 21 T 22 ---- 1447 W 23 1362 F ---- 1752 S 27 1769 M 28 1779 T 29 2058 W 30 1668 Th 31 1846 Nov 1st - 1603 Sat 2 - - - 1820 S 3 - - - - M 4 - - - - 1548 T 5 - - - - 1519 W 6 - - - - - 1329 Th 7 - - - 1873 Fr 8 Sat 9

S 10 [4] M 11 1520 T 12 1534 W 13 Rain Th 14 1666 Fr 1332 S 620 March 17 planted the Hogwoller field of corn March 19 planted the field at the house of corn March 31 planted the 25 acre cut of cotton Planted the gin-house field 15 April " " last years cotton Land above the mill 14th April Planted the Sanders field of cotton the 1 t 2 3 and fourth " Planted the Sandy part of the corn ground on the west side of the creek 4th April Planted the balance 11 and 12th " Planted the Sandy part of the field on the east side of the creek 5 April the Balance of the field 15 16 + April Replanted cotton the 12 May (finished) Squares about the June time common call going over cotton the second time The 16 May Set out potaoes for the first

Last edit over 1 year ago by MBSweeney
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1844 [5]

18 December kiled 18 Park Hogs waying 2,475 lb

1845 7 January Kiled 10 Pork Hogs waying 1,074 3,549

1845 December 19 Kiled 13 Pork hogs waying 1897

Dec 29 Killed 7 Pork hogs waying 942 [total] 2,839

1844 [6] $ cts January 2 Philip Sander to J. F. Comer Dr To 4 Negros & waggon 1/2 day do 4 Mr Martin Dr To 33 plank 16 feet long 12 inch wide 3 30 do 6 Thomas Tronence To J F Comer Dr To 18 Plan 15 feet long 12 inch wide 2 70 Do 9 William M Betham To J F Comer Dr To 26 Scantling 12 feet long 3 by 4 inches 3 12 Do 12 Philip Sanders To J F Comer Dr To 1 Bushel corn at 50 cts 50 Do 13 " 1 do do at 50 cts 50 Do 17 Thomas Florence To J F C Dr to 15 Plank 12 feet long 1 80 Do 18 Philip Sanders To J F Comer Dr To 1 bushel corn at 50 cts 50 Do 24 " 1 bushel Meal at 50 cts 50 Do 25 William Carter To John F Comer Dr To 2 1/2 bushels meal at 62 1/2 1 56 1/4 Do 25 James Upshaw To John F Comer Dr To 29 Roughage 510 feet at 50 cts 2 55 " 22 Plank 20 feet long 12 inch wide 4 40 " 20 do 10 do do 12 do 2 00 " 18 do 12 do do 12 do 2 10

Last edit over 2 years ago by hwrobbins
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January 29

James Upshaw to John F. Comer Dr For 14 Plank 26 feet long 12 in wide - 2.80 " 15 Do 15 Do Do 12 Do - 2.25 " 7 Do 16 Do Do 12 Do - 1.12 " 3 Do 13 Do Do 9 Do 1-1/4 thick - .36


Philip Landers to John F. Comer Dr. To 1 1/2 Bushells Meal - .75


H.G. Blakey To John F Comer Dr To 13 Plank 16 feet Long 12 in wide - 2.08 " 2 Do 15 Do Do 12 Do - .30 " 1 Roughage 16 feet long 12 in wide - .08

February 2

William M Bethune to J F Comer Dr To 20 Scantting 8 Feet- Long 3 by 4 - 1.60 " 23 Do 16 Feet- Long 3 " 4 - 3.68 1 " 24 Do 12 Feet- Long 3 " 4 - 2.88

4 Thomas P Cash To John F. Comer Dr To 8 Plank 13 feet long - 1.02

Philip Landers to J F Comer Dr 6 To 2 1/2 Bushells Horning - 1.25

Thomas Florence to JF Comer Dr 7 To 6 Scantting 10 Feet Long 3 by 6 - .90 " 2 Do 12 Do Do 3 by 4 - .24 " 12 Plank 10 Feet Long 7 in by 1-1/4 - .87

Feb 7 Thomas Florence To John F Comer Dr To 7 Plank 10 feet long 10 in wide 1-1/14 thick - .75 " 4 Do. 12-1/2 Do Do 9 Do 1-1/14 "- .75

10 Philip Lanairs to John F. Comer Dr To Haling one Lode Foader from Cabbs with the ox cart

12 Thomas Floriner To John F Comer Dr to 6 Plank 13/1/2 feet long 9 in wide 1-1/4 thick - .75

William Carter to John F. Comer Dr 14 To 3-1/2 Bushells Meal at 62-1/2 - 1.56 1/4 15 To 2 bushells Meal at 62-1/2 - 1.25

Peter Board - To John F Comer Dr 21 To 1 Scantting 12 feel long 3 by 4 - 12

Mr McCaskell to Jhn F Comer Dr 22 To 40 feet Roughage - 20.

John F River to John F Comer Dr 27 To 100 feet Roughage - .50

Mr Mooney & Toramel To J.F. Comer Dr 27 30 Plank 10 feet long 12 in wide - 23.00 3 Do 20 Do Do 12 in wide - .60

Last edit over 2 years ago by hwrobbins
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 104 in total