9, [Continued], for 200 dollars Mr. Triplett promised to pay me, he told me that he
was to pay the money to D. Triplett for Jos'a Willis. I agreed to wait till our
Court, at which time he said he would certainly pay me the money, he returned.
10, Clear & very severe frost- Ice full ½ inch thick on the pigg(?)nof water. Had a
small Plant bed burnt by Spring house, & had Cabbage, Lettuce, Radish & Onion
seeds sown there. C. Taylor went after breakfast to his place, returned to
dinner, went after dinner & returned at night. Davy was yesterday & to day at J.
Taylor's making shoes- Harry was here yesterday, nobody to day in his place.
11, Slight Frost- moderate- thin clouds part of day and smoky in evening. J. Taylor
was here early. Got medecine of C. Taylor and returned before breakfast.
Brought Corn stalks with Cart out of Wheat patch. Finished breaking up Corn
ground & began to List. Had 15th Hhd Corn taken out. C. Taylor went to Barnetts
ford to see ___Addison and intends from thence to Capt Conway's. I walked in
evening to J. Taylor's- The waggon not come to carry J. Taylor jun'rs things.
Had most of my Bacon packed in Ashes. Turned Yearlings out of meadow.
12, Warm smoky morning. Y. Peter Unwell, gave him a dose salts. After breakfast
walked to J. Taylor's. J. Taylor jun'r Loaded Z. Herndon's Waggon with his goods
& after dinner the Waggon, his negroes & three of Brother James' set out on
their journey to Kentucky- Bro'r James went with J. Taylor jr, they all intend
to Mr. Barbour's to night. Mrs Burnley & two young daughters, Rd. Noel, Zach.
Herndon & George Lee (the Waggoner) dined at J. Taylor's. I saw Reuben Taylor
at J. Taylor's- he got home yesterday, said he delivered our Patents to Register
& received out plats. C.T aylor came here from Capt Conway's in evening.
13, Saturday, A little rain last night. Aurora Borealis- Cleared before noon
moderate. Had Irish potatoes taken up yesterday out of a hole in the Garden and
Sweet potatoes to day, they had kept tolerable sound- C. Taylor went after
breakfast to J. Taylor's to see a sick negro child- went home- back & dined at
J. Taylor's- came here in evening.
[For 14th and 15th see below]
15, Malachi Atkins went for his wife yesterday at J. Henderson's, said she was not
well this morning- got 1 Qu Whiskey. J. Taylor sent Grandison with a pot & got
22 lb lard. Let Wm Bell have, p/r Davy, 2 Gammons, 26 lb Bacon. Picked the
Geese, got about 4 ½ lb feathers from 32, vizt 10 Geese, 22 Ganders - 3 Geese
setting, total 35. C. Taylor came, got some Ammunition & went on to his place.
16, Very warm- fair,smoky and dry weather. I trimmed part of my Orchard. C. Taylor
came by here, went to his place, returned to dinner- and to J. Taylor's in
evening. Patrick Bell was here this morning & cut 3 yearlings- 1 Cow yearling
and those cut marked- total 4. James Bell (C.H.) Sent Hanover to borrow my Cart
which I lent to carry a bed & chairs to Col. Alcock's- the Cart was returned
at night.
17, Clouds in morn- fair noon- warm smoky, a few drops of rain at dark. Had 16th Hhd
Corn taken out of New house. Had beans planted in Garden, 3 Rows of early,
the other Saddle strap, Also Cucumbers & sundry kind Climbling by Asparagus-
thunder & Sprinkle of rain in night.
14, Slight frost, Moderate fair day, hazy evening. After breakfast, C. Taylor walked
to J. Taylor's to see sick negro child- soon after C. Taylor was gone, Reuben Taylor called here, took my letters for Brother William and Nephew William
Taylor, he was on his journey to Kentucky, intends joining Maj'r J. Taylor &c.
I walked to J. Taylor's, C. Taylor walked with me by Aunt Taylor's (where we saw
Maj'r Moore) to the Court house (being sermon day) There was very few met & no
service- Mr O'Neil was there. I paid him four dollars, being my Subscription
last year. I paid A Shepherd jr 16 Cents postage L're from F.S Taylor rec'd
ten days ago. C. Taylor & I came to J Taylor's to dinner- Bro'r James- T.
Crutchfield & wife, at T. Barbour's- R'd Noel & wife & Mr Verdiere came to
J. Taylor's. Also C.Taylor's wife & chlidren from Cap. Conway's
15. Fair,Warm,smoky very dry- Peach trees are nearly in full bloom [SEE ABOVE]
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