It would be incumbant upon all the Christian
and [???]lend nations of the world to redress so gross an
outrage and the law of nations. Not only the United
States would instantly come down upon Mexico in
earnest offensive war in punishment fo the barba-
rous murder of her, and in pest stern administration of
the law of notorious, speaking and executing with can-
non and sword, but all the family of notories make
war against her as in honor bound. Passive apathy at
such an outrage with impunity be a disgrace to the
world and assure sign of a making back to barbar-
ism. Such an outrage has not been perpetuated by a civil-
zed power in [?????]. I do not belive therefore
that Mexico has taken so high handed a step as to stri-
ke at the most sacred feature of the [struck: national] law of
nations. If she desired herself irretrievably distraged
by bringing down upon her the resentment of
the world, she could not take any step better calculated
for the accomplishment - If she wished to [inserted: bring down] the
vengeance of mankind united in war against her, spe-
aking in thunder, shaking with an earth quake, crush
-in her under foot, annihilating her, to be remembered
as a bye word of disgrace to all coming time, such
state murdering of a foreign ambassador is one of the
ways to effect it. I do not believe that the government
of Mexico has done such a deed. I therefore await
further information before I can[struck:not] have any deter-
minate thining on this subject.
Wed 11th Same reflections from the preceding chapter. Pride
has taken a fall. It is my priviledge to notice it. It with no pleasure
I record the disgrace. High rested pride learning along imperiously
is intolerable and a m[en?]ance to sense and decency. But such
is human nature. Young people in prosperity too often become
swelled beyond their real dimensions. Wealth and intellect
are great things in life - humility and goodness with a com-
petency are better, far happier. The licentious wealthy may
curl their supercilious lip. They are really comptemptable.
A haughty demeanor enlarges not the mind, but contracts it.
It commands no respect but excites dislike. Where such pride faces
it has not much sympathy. Great is the fall. Poor week man.
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