Wednesday 28th
(Jan. 1852?)
My own dear precious child
I had hoped to have something of the Welaka
from old Frisin today. I wrote yesterday a request that he would question
the men who landed the mail from the Gaston. But I received no message
from the heartless old man this morning. God! grant no accident befell you
my darlings- that you are safe once more on land. I know if kindness
can make your visit pleasant you will get enough of that from our
dear noble minded Ira. Oh! my Tootee I suffered agony when I saw
you get on the deck of the Welaka. I could not stand on the landing to
see you again blown up. I rushed into the house fell on my knees
to entreat for you the mercy of God! directly I heard like a heavy fall
did I not shriek & again rush out but it was only those magnolia boards
you walked to the boat on thrown down - I then saw that the wheel house had had
the boards torn off. I had not noticed this before. The boat seemed as if
she could not go a head - & she leaned so badly on one side. I watched you
until I could no longer see the boat & then with a sorrowful heart
returned home. I shall be miserable until I hear from you my dear
child. I could not be so selfish as to try & persuade you to give up going
to Savannah. It would have been unkind to that brave girl who
thought only of you - when she risked her own life to come to you. Kiss her
for me Tootee & tell her I thought I loved her when she & dear Pheme left me
in October - but this last act of her love for you has made her doubly dear
to me. I was right in thinking I had letters from California. The Capt of
the Welaka ought to be dry shaved for carrying on the mail bag. I cannot
resist sending two letters one from dear Butler the other from dear
Lordy to you. I think Master Butler has been taking some new
lessons in impudence. I had a long letter from that dear good son - quite
a long letter from your dear Father & one from Lordy — By this days
mail I received only one letter from No 15 — dated the 16th at that time
the girls were quite happy. Mr. Bourkes kindness had relieved them of
all uneasiness about your safety. They seem to have no idea (as you were
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