


Status: Complete

saved / that I could suffered otherwise. My letter from No 15 was from
Georgia & Appy. They send thousands of love to you. I received also today a
kind letter from Mr Bourke & Mrs Mautheri. Thank them both for me
I will do so myself as soon as I can find time. Dear Lordy I hope has in
this received my letters & eased of his great distress. You must not think
of returning in that "Melata". But God! can & I trust will protect you let
you come in what boat you may. Do not hurry back on account of your
little treasures - the Frasers - or myself. The little ones are well & cheerful
& give me no trouble. The two nights I have had them they have slept well
Bell still shows signs of cold, but not so bad as when you left them. Willie
talks much of the "double barrel" gun his papa is to bring for him & says
I must tell his "pa" that he "always begs pardon when he knocks or hurts
any body." JBob told me yesterday morning as soon as her eyes were open "
Musser I did dream my pa was come back" She says you must bring her
a doll "with white face blue mouth yellow eyes & red hair." She has a queer
taste. These two little ones sleep with me. Tip has the small bed &
Floyd has taken to his own room. poor boy he has a very bad cold.
I tried to begin their school yesterday - we have blundered over these two
days. I hope next week to do better. I believe the boat did not go for
the Frasers until this morning. I can give them a welcome as long as
they may find it agreeable or convenient to stay here. God! knows I
sincerely feel for their distress. Tho I cannot but hope Mrs Fraser is mistaken
as to the amount of their loss's. Mrs Gale continues very sick - poor old
woman what a weight of additional care she is to me. Alic Boyd
& poor little Herbert are the only two now laid up. I feel it an age
since you left me - Tootie dear do not hurry back on my account
It would be I was going to say nonsense - for you to go to so much expense
and trouble & to stay but 7 days in Savannah. If William cannot have
his business for a longer time - would he not consent to leave you for
one week longer & return for you. Let me suggest the plan. He will
have tired of the cities amusements by Monday next. Let him
return in the Planter next week. See after his business - mark & haul
his cotton to Frederica - then return the following Friday & be ready
to start back with you on Monday following. I want you to
have a little recreation. I do hope my dear child you will
get the advice of Dr Arnold about those attacks of yours. It will
an age to me before Saturday & then it is possible I may see an
empty mail bag brought back to me - as was the case last Saturday

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