folder 17: January 1856




I presume he left it at his sisters- please send Clementine to hunt it up and beg Lord-William or John whoever will take the trouble to send it up to him by express. He left his brush and comb on board the St. johns- Butler has it. If we ship cotton on Tuesday I will send them to go with the over coat. Dear me how much trouble carless people can give one. I am very sorry my poor Appy should have increased her cold-too much care cannot be taken of her. I know she frets enough at not being able to attend either of those pleasant parties. I am sorry that Maggy too should have been disappointed. Butler as usual with my children has told me the news in such a hurry I do not comprhend half. He seemed thoroughly disgusted with his ever allowing people to have reason to suppose he had any idea of Mis [Yanny]. This morning he brought me an open paper ? with two pieces of cake put in without being wrapped up with one of those (glassed)? cards directed to Mr. and Mrs. King. Butler paid " ? ? ?" It seems Miles Haggard brought it on his return from the ? This days mail brought me two letters from your poor dear father -one from dear Mallery and one from dear Tip. Your father complains much of the cold and says "I have cause to think frequently of my fur top coat" poor fellow I wish he had taken it with him- his letters were dated 2 and 5 January. My poor dear unfortunate husband it does seem so strange- but let me not complain of adverse fortune to one so good and noble as he is. But when i see so many others made rich with so little trouble and the laboring and sacrificing every comfort and even his happiness, I can't but think his a hard fate.

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Last edit over 1 year ago by Jac815

Up to the 5th no certainty of success-speaks he's confidently of it in that letter then on the 2nd. Poor dear husband he too often "counts his chickens before they are hatched"- Monday 25th Dear Floyd passed a very comfortable night and says he feels well enough to get up this morning if I would let him. Butlers cold is very bad- unfortunately I have no Jacksons ? rub to give him. What is worse he feels it to be necessary for him to go out- these darkies are taking every advantage they can of his inexperience and the bad weather. We shall not ship the balance of the cotton tomorrow- can't get it done in time. I will send a valise with some of your things and the letters received by the last mail for you. Mallery begs you will all write to him often. Your letters help keep off the blues. I wish you would get at DeWitts and Morgan 8 yds pretty dark 12 1/2 callico and a shawl not over one dollar. Clementine knows for whom it is. Do not lend them until a favorable opportunity occurs. I have been looking for dear Georgia black silk that [Rhiner] may finish it for her but can find but one breadth- ?? go along with you for Clem to make. I will send the piece I had in my desk tomorrow. The valise will be directed to ? and Frazer. I wish you would let me know how long you will be absent. If you have any influence with Lord, urge him on in the path of duty he owes himself. I very much fear he is again involved in pleasure forgetful of the future. I will write to dear [Tooter]? and thank her for the bread she sent me. Floyd enjoys it. Kiss each other for me- Floyd and dear Butler sends much love- 29th Floyd says he feels much better this morning our der Butlers cold still very bad- he is up. I wish I could persuade him to keep his room today- If he is able to attend to it he will ship the balance of our slim crop by the St.Johns when I will send you whatever I can put your things in. i will also write a little more you know how nervous I am immediately after breakfast. Kiss each other for your for me night and morning. Your devoted mother Ann king

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Last edit over 1 year ago by Jac815

Savannah 28th Jan. Monday night 1856

My own beloved Mother, You must have thought it very ? darling Mother to get no letters

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