


Status: Complete

Negro Fisherman
AL - 7

Eufaula, Alabama
January 11, 1939
G.C. [Gertha Couric]

Famous For Fish

Sam Lynn lives on the banks of the Chattahoochee River in a little four-room cottage, high up and with concrete steps leading to it.

Sam has five children, all living and all married but the youngest boy. He married Hattie Wright about twenty-five years ago. She is an expert laundress.

Hattie has never had any children of her own. She tells her story in this way:

"Sam just heired his children. All five of them are bastards, but Sam gave them his name; ain't none got the same ma. But Sam has been mighty good to all of them.

"Sam has been a fisherman all of his life. He started when he was just a little boy. Me and Sam been married nigh unto twenty-five years. His youngest child was just two years old when I married him. His ma was dead and he and Sam was living down here all by themselves. He had a 'oman that cooked and looked after little Sam for him, and his other chillun was living with their mas. Sam always took care of them. I mean he supported them, clothed them and fed them. The two oldest boys are fishermen with him. He pays them just like he does his other help. His two girls live up North.

"Little Sam lives with us; he railroads. I loves him just like he is my own and he sho is a smart and good boy. He ain't married; hope he won't; nigger gals is so trifling these days. Ain't got no morals a-tall.


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