


Status: Complete

Alabama - Isaac Johnson, Cajan Turpentiner 6

Isaac Johnson, like nearly every other Cajan, has only a limited
education. He can read, and he says that he can do fairly well at the
task of writing a letter; but he admits that most of his learning has
come from his wife. She is a graduate of Jacksonville State Teachers'
College, and she taught him to write after they were married. He says
that he wishes he knew more, and for that reason he is anxious for his
children to have an education.

"What we need here," he said in his drawling tone, "is a high school
for my people. if we could a-get the high school, then we might some
day have a college. The Negroes have their college up at Tuskegee Why
can't we have one?"

"Why, those kids over in my wife's school are bright as they can be.
They learn everything fast. Jus' think what it would a-mean to them if
they knew they could keep learning past the seventh grade. How would you
feel if you knew the State wouldn't a-give you a chance to get any further?

He shook his head slowly, looking into the fire, but his wife said:
"I have children over there who would grow into fine men and women if they
were given a better chance. There is nothing lazy about them, no matter
what the people over in town (Chatom) say. They want to learn. I tell you,
when children come to a school without any breakfast, and many times without
enough clothing to keep them warm, they have something about them that
you won't find in every child.

"You were over at the school to see those children," she said to
the visitor. "You saw children who were without shoes, and it was cold
this morning. You also saw that some of the children's eyes are very
bad; that they need glasses badly." She paused a moment, looking into
the fire. Then she said: "I wish I had enough money to take all of them
to Mobile and buy them some glasses. it must be terrible with your eyes
hurting you all of the time. Isn't it asking a little too much to expect


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