


Status: Complete

said I wouldn't finish it! I guess I'm just a little bit ornery, because I
made up my mind that I'd show them. The Methodist preacher is one of the
fellows I wanted to show. We're having a steward's meeting tomorrow, and being
that the ditch'll "be finished by then, I'm just going to bring that preacher
down here and make him swallow his doubts."
Mr. Brakefield rose and glanced at the sun. He picked up the gun that he
had brought out to shoot hawks.
"Well, I've done what lots of folks do," he laughed. "I've whiled away
lots of time talking about myself. But if you'll come up to the house for
dinner, I'll repay you for listening. I know Ma will have something good to
eat; she always does. You see, we have our 'square' in the middle of the day.
It helps a man mine coal and dig ditches."

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