


Status: Complete

760 AL-69

Henry Baysmore (Colored)
39 Suda Street.
Montgomery, Ala.

By Adelaide Rogers
511 South Hull St.
Montgomery, Alabama.

[handwritten start] Copy of assa
mailed to DL. Ba
Backing folklore
Mr. U[illegible] [handwritten end]


Uncle Henry Baysmore, who lives at 39 Suda Street, Montgomery Alabama,
says he has been fo'casting so long he can't exactly remember when he began telling
fortunes as a business.

A tall dark Negro, with gray woolly hair and bushy white eyebrows that
drape themselves above his large, direct, and singularly honest eyes, Uncle Henry
admits rather sheepishly that he is going on seventy five years old. He says he
almost worked himself to death in his early life, trying to farm on shares, and
trying to please white folks.

Now, instead of white folks working him, he works white folks.

"Yassum," Uncle Henry insisted respectfully but with twinkling eyes.
"I got more white customers what wants to see into de future, den cullud ones.

"Most of my cullud customers wants to cunjure somebody. Dey comes to
me on account I'se de man fur dat. But de white folks patronisin' Uncle Henry
is anxious to know about money ...how kin dey keep what dey got ... or git a
holt to somebody else's. Or if t'ain't money dey's inquirin' about its property...


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