


Status: Complete

Lula Wright (Negro),
Green's Plantation,
Rural Route,
Tuskegee, Alabama.
Widow Farmer


Rhussus L. Perry,
(Negro Field Worker)
Macon County,



I set out to spend the day out in the country, on Green's planta-
tion. It was a lovely day in January. The sun was shining warm and
nothing seemed more inviting than a day's visit with some of the
country folks.

Out on Green's plantation live a number of interesting persons
but really, "Miss Lu", (Lula Wright) is the central character in the
community. The women gather-up at her house to hear the latest news
and [[happenings]] gossip. When they have a member of the family sick they set
out to "Miss Lu" for advice. They bring her their family, troubles,
their trials and tribulations. On Fridays and Saturdays the men and
boys come to her house for her son to cut their hair and shave their

Going across the flelds from the highway, I enjoyed looking at the
sloping hills thick with pine saplings, every now and then a sturdy, bare
oak, sweet gum, or black gum. The fields near the house were thick
with broom "sage" [[(this]] which they, all gather and make into brooms[[)]]. I noticed
a pine-pole square pen built by, piling pole upon pole until it was about
four feet high. In this pen were four large banks of sweet potatoes.
The potatoes are banked by piling them up on pine straw, then laying
straw all over them. Boards are stacked around them in tepee shape.
Some use corn s talks or pine bark. More straw is piled on and then dirt
piled up on all this. Just beyond this pen is a little smoke house built
for the purpose of [[storing foods and curing meat by, the smoking process]] curing and storing meat.
My attention [[sifted]] was drawn to the old dilapidated house in which "Miss Lu" lived.
It is a large, old barn-[[looking]] like house.


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