


Status: Complete


that is divinely true. Hear David saying, 'Thy gentleness hath made me
great.' And Paul saying, 'The love of Christ constraineth me.' And the
song writer saying, 'Love lifted me.'

"I am fully convinced that the ministry of this mission is surpassing
the work of the prison farms and all that is connected with them. The
new approach to the cure of crime is not punishment, but mercy, kindness
and instruction. We are called upon to be real builders in the Kingdom of

"The best advertisement that could come to this city is that even
drifting men that come this way could go their way saying, 'Jacksonville
has a heart of love.' That is exactly what 13,000,000 Negroes of America
are saying about our city, who were represented here in their National
Baptist Convention two years ago. That is what 8,000 white men are saying
who have been cared for in our Jacksonville city mission during the past
twelve months.

"We have not only met their physical and spiritual need, but during
the past year we have taught the following topics: 'History of Florida,'
'History of the United States;' 'American War Myths;' 'The Power of the
President;' 'Red Cross First Aid;' 'World Patriots;' 'The New Frontiers of
Democracy;' 'Hygiene or How to Live;' 'Communism, Fascism, Dictatorship
versus Democracy;' 'The Rights of Man;' which are the right to live, and
the right to work and the right to show the marks of a man. We carried
on an independent course of study without a book, on self-respect and self-
control. We are now studying the history of Jacksonville, featuring the
thought of building a greater city.

"We have found, too, the study of human relationships is an inexhaus-


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