04850_0188: Letters, March 1853




Louisville March. 2 1853

[Warrenton, Miss.]

My dear husband,

Your affectionate letter reached here in safety and I need not assure you how much pleasure it gave me to hear your health was entirely reinstated Thank heaven we have all enjoyed exceeding good health the past winter I dont think I ever saw the children look better their cheeks are as red as roses Ella is vrry well and I think doing well at school I called on her teacher last saturday and paid her twenty five dollars in advance of this session She thinks Ella is progressing in her studies rapidly & says she has great taste for mathematicks we have most beautiful weather now it is like midsummer and I presume it is quite warm South at this time The mony you sent was greatfully received, as I was all most out with the exception of a fiew dollars I went down my self and drew the money and at the same time got the mony from Mr Williams to pay Mrs. Knowle She

Last edit almost 4 years ago by nkaiser

sent me the account and I thought you would not object to its being paid After drawing my money I went out next day and paid off all of my bills and really it scared me to see how much I owed in small bills all amounting to $1.75 lt is or will be a lesson to me never to buy anything I cant pay for at once I have purchased all of the negro clothes for the summer and will now have to furnish for my self and children

I heard the other day Mr Pope and Tyler and Holt & Terrone had succeeded in getting the gas run up for their benefit I wrote you all about it did you get my letters I suppose I may not look for you until May or June It seems a long while before June Mr Ballard I hear their are several very fine houses for sale in town had you not much rather buy a place already improved than add to this house I should be perfectly willing for you to sell this place and get one improved with a deeper lot I don't think after you build it will suit you I hear Mr Stokes on Chestnut Street near Walkers is for sale it is a beautifull place and has

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann

a fine lot Now my husband do open your heart and buy me a pretty dwelling house if you can sell this to advantage I have never liked this house it is badly connected Anne says tell papa She will get on a boat and come to see you & charlotte often speaks of you Ella sends her love and says she will write next Saturday Our cow looks badly from standing so much I have her fed on hay bran and chops but not with standing she looks poor I believe I have told you all the news worth relating & must say good bye Ever believe me your devoted

Wife Louise C Ballard

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann

Karnac March 2th 53/

Mr R. C. Ballard

Sir as I Have Been Looking for you time after time and I made certain you would Get Here Last night on the Belle. we are Still Sick Here and verry Sickly Indeed it takes all my time at the House I wrote you last Friday that I Have Lost another negroe Bob the Boy you Purchased 3 year ago 10. cases In at this time and Several of them Dangerouly Ill. Henry Bail is Quite Low. He may Probably get up By Propper Treatment and Good nursing Though I consider His case verry Doubtful The Disease appears to Have Taken on another Form From all the cases of the Last 3 or 4 days they now complain of nothing but A Pain In the Head [missing] Throat they all say the [missing] if their is Something In [missing] that Prevents them From Breathing Similar to Scarlett Feave Though they all Have A Disposition more or Less to Burns off on the Bowels, Come Down if Possible I would Like to See you I am Longing

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann

to do all I can for them I this morning Send for Doctor Harwood of Grand Gulf I wrote you Before that I Had Him up Here 2 times Last week as the Disease appears to Be changing I thought it Best to See A Doctor again and Hear what He Had to Say come if you Possibly can I would send A Boy up Though their is no convenient way of crossing

Yours Respectfully

J Westbrook

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann
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